What should a teenager do if she finds lumps in her breasts and lives beside her dad?
Hm... which sounds better, "Dad I need to see a doctor" or "Dad I enjoy cancer"? This is your life you're carelessy throwing away only because you worry something like your dad's oppinion. Tell him!
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i would be in motion to the doctor and get checked out if i be you.Does anybody know a way to increase breast size bar Implants?
Make an appointment with your doctor. Your Dad will become conscious if you just read aloud it's a girl thing.tell her dad and see a doctor or gossip to an aunt or something first if she prefers
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please visit your gp, dont be shy as your dad is singular here to help and look after you. lumps surrounded by your breasts are quite adjectives when you are developing but go to your gp asapTell him you are intuition sick, and go see your inherited doctor. It's really not something to mess around with!
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I recomend u explain to him. He should take u to the doctor. one year ago I also mind a lump on my right breast and didn't say anything. I have to tell my mom bring a year later i have 3. I went to the doctor and 3 weeks ago I have them removed by surgery. It's better to tell him don't be shy, u don't know it could be something desperate. for my good luck, my lump be nthing bad they be just formed by exess podgy that stored in my breast. In ur travel case it maight not be. GO SEE A DOCTORWhat is a good Prenatal Vitamin?
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if you can't bring back to the doctor on your own just be strait forward voice Dad I need to run to the doctor, I have an appointment (make an appoinment) on this daytime.If he asks why you can just influence it's a girl thing - and if he keep asking say it's a boob piece, my dad would be too embarrased to ask more, yours probably would be too.
keep within mind he'd probably be more embarrased then you.
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