4 girls just??

i am afriad to use a tampon, and i want to but i dont want it to hurt or to do it wrong,,. any sugestions??

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Relaxing is one of the most important things!! If you don't relax, it will hurt. Make sure you attain slender, the thinnest possible, unless you have extremely hard to digest periods. You can't really do it wrong, purely angle the tampon, towards your lower back, sort of diagonally. It will have a feeling weird at first, but if it feel uncomfortable, next just clutch it out and try it again. It might take a couple tries beforehand you feel right. Don't verbs and relax. If you ahve any more questions, you could travel to www.tampax.com or whatever brand you are using. Good luck!

Contracepive pill not agreeing near me what is a good alternative?

please read the instructions on the box.

When using public restroom, why must you hover?

read the instructions in the box

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Don't use it, why do you own to? they have so plentiful other products on the market immediately....the pads are so withered and absorb mjust as much

Stuff, masturbation?

dont use it consequently, wait a few more years
or force nurture it inside you, but buy the plastic applicator kind that doesnt hurt going in. If it hurts its not up yours far plenty go high with it and appropriate luck and dont try to be all grown up so hurriedly

What should my weight be?

talk to your mom or a friend, they can serve you. there are also instructions in the box. check the net too.

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You don't need to use one.I be really afraid to use one also but everyone told me that it doesn't hurt.If you want to use one just ask your mom to relieve you or you probably could read the back of the box and it will detail you how to insert it and if you do it that way it shouldn't hurt but if i be you i would try and if it doesn't work just don't use one.

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GIrl its NOTHING to verbs about!! :) You wont even be aware of the tampon in you once you put it within right. It doesnt hurt at all, it will consistency a bit funny shoving something up there if you aren't used to it, but it doesn't hurt by any finances. Think of it this way, the tampon industry would distinctly not still exist if it made women uncomfortable and it hurt to insert the tampon. Just sort sure when inserting it, you hold the tampon in the middle and insert the top half to where on earth your finger is, then push the bottom part of a set all the means of access till it stops. the string should be sticking out of you so that you can pull it out within a few hours (change them every few hours if you are heavy flowing) I love tampons because it almost feel like Im not on my length because I dont have to touch the bulky pad rubbing against me when sitting or walking.

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Read the pamphlet that comes in the box. It have diagrams that show you where the tampon desires to go. Also, the move that my mom qualified me is to place one foot on the rim of the toilet so that you are most comfortable. Stay relaxed, also. Because if you are tense the tampon won't be in motion in. I recommend getting Tampax tampons. They are the ones that work for me and they come near an applicator. Hold the applicator with your thumb and middle finger. Then insert the team leader of the applicator into your vagina. It will feel abnormal at first. Then, when you have it contained by the right spot, insert it almost all the approach, leaving the string and the extremity of applicator out. Then, using your forefinger, push the end of the applicator stick, sliding the tampon up inside of you. Then remove the applicator. My biggest problem be tensing up so if you relax things will go smoother. Also, loaf until you are ready. I wore pad for years before I switched to tampons. But when I be ready, I made the transition more smoothly. Good luck:)

You know those things in the bathroom?

Read the box. It explains it very clearly.

Medicine/pills that formulate you throwup?

all you got to do is read the directions it is self explanatory.Good luck!

Reg extent on 4/152 day time on 4/292 day term on 5/23, bloated all month and moodywhats up?

if tampons are something that you really wanna use, but you're worried of hurting yourself here's a suggestion. buy tampons with a plastic applicator. they're the easiest to use when you're erudition how to put one in correctly. create sure you get the thinnest ones possible also.

as for insertion technique: i would suggest placing one foot on the toilet seat, the slightly bending your knees and arching your hindmost. awkward i know, but you'll be more open this path as opposed to a short time ago standing straight up or sitting down. if you feel it, next you don't have it within correctly.

also, practice on yourself whenever you can, even if you're not on your period. the more you practice, the more you'll be capable of see if tampons are for you. hope my suggestions help you out. fitting luck! =)

4 Women only. How frequent people budge through extreme depression when their period starts?

using a tampon is no problem it should walk in comfortably using the instructions in the box if it is self-conscious take it out and try again next to a new one.

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