Losing virginity?

I know that when a girl loses her virginity, she bleeds. The problem is that my gf insists that she was and when we did it for the first time, she didn't bleed. She said she have no idea. Is nearby a tiny percent of women who doesn't bleed on their first time? We've been for over 2 years and I don't construe she's lying to me.


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Yes, alot of girls don't bleed their first time. Sometimes it purely naturall doesn't bleed, and also the hymen can be broken from other non-sexual things in some instances. So don't worry, she's truthful!

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Some people bleed, and others dont.....not adjectives women bleed.

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Not every girl bleeds. I did not.

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some bleed, others do not!
does not mean she lying to you!

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EVERY WOMAN DOES NOT BLEED! Good Grief. Maybe she is into sports and her hymen be already broken. Why are you asking this question if you believe her?

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all u need to do is masterbate for for a time while and get use to the consciousness of your vaginal expanding and contracting.

This will make it to where on earth u won't bleed when u get your cherry popped.

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not adjectives women bleed during their first time. i didnt bleed and i thought it was kinda strange too but i found out some women can carry their hymen broken (the hymen breaking is what causes the bleeding) by freshly using tampons

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she could have lost it doing gymnastics or sports and she didnt realize it. Dont verbs dude, at least it wasnt a mess. I am sure everything is biddable

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Not adjectives girls bleed. There is a vien inside her and theres a POSSIBILITY that it might break/bleed. It doesnt always bleed. If it doesnt bleed that have nothing to do beside if you did a good brief!

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Not adjectives girls bleed their first time. In fact, most girls really don't. Some girls don't own a hymen, and some girls, if they've used tampons and such, have already broken what hymen within is.
If she's never had sex beforehand, then she's a virgin. Period. That blood on the sheets settlement is a relic from years past...and abundantly of times that was fake so the girl wouldn't get surrounded by trouble.

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not every girls bleed, some of them may had broken the hymen some born minus hymen

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Not all women bleed, or possibly it was such a small amount she didn't even concentration it.
It is the breaking of the hymen that causes the bleeding, and a great deal of active girls will break it years up to that time they have sex, while playing sport, for example.
If you trust her word, next not bleeding is nothing to doubt her over :)

I lost my virginity smaller amount then a week ago and i wasnt sure if my cherry broke it didnt bleed right after?

well, not adjectives girls bleed because even if u are a virgin the hymen can break any time due to effort or masturbation or a rough movement , its ok , trust ur gal, i dont ponder shes not telling the truth

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You're confusing losing virginity next to tearing of the hymen. They enjoy nothing to do beside one another. How can they when some girls are born without a hymen? Further, even for those who be born with a hymen, it's a limited piece of tissue that can easily rupture before a woman have had any type of sexual contact.

If in attendance's a reason that you don't trust her, it's something for you to be working on.

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yes, there are citizens who didn't bleed for the first time. and that's normal. it's honest you prepared your girl before her first morning. but sometimes women don't bleed because maybe they ride bicycles or do sturdy things... we can't blame them...

> i know some of my friends who didn't bleed on their first time... so, it doesn't matter... as long as you know she's trustworthy to you and that she's saying the truth...

>when you own intercourse, the tendency is the hymen to be broke but near are times that the hymen didn't broke because it's thick... hymen is a similar to a membrane in womanly's reproductive system. it's small like a biro so during intercourse ussually the female bleeds...

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sometimes people don't bleed their first time. I didn't my first time. Trust your gf and believe her, else it not going to be a suitable relationship!

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Some women don't bleed when they lose their virginity. They any didn't have a hymen to commence with, or it be broken earlier contained by life due to an fluke, some rigorous activity close to sports or the use of a dildo.

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I did not bleed when I first had sex. Many things can come to pass in a girl/womans go that can break her hymen. It is simple a thin stretch of skin that crosses the orifice of the vagina. Some are closer to the entrance, while others are a little further contained by. She very powerfully may have fall on a bike, or anything else during her life that could hold ruptured it. Also, her's might just be a transparent strip not right in the middle and your penis might not even be touching it to break it. You might jump a year and then adjectives of a sudden she bleeds after sex.

My advise to you is trust her until she give you a reason not to. The second you start inquisitive her, or not beleiving her even if you don't call her on it, is the moment the relationship starts closing moments. Trust her!

Serious Question Please Help?

I am concerned with the theory that you are so upset about this. Are you a virgin? Why does this thing to you anyway?

First of all, no, you are wrong, most women DON'T bleed. The hymen breaks slickly; with exercise, accident, etc.

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The bleeding occur when the hymen in broken. But, some girls never develop a full hymen.

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not adjectives girls bleed 38% do not bleed.you have to believe her nearby is nothing to verbs about

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