Pill probs?

i have be on the pill yasmin for over a year now, but i havent taken a break 4 three months and i have come on earlier my break, i know dont know why, or if i will come on in my break which is within three days, my boyfriend is paninking that i am pregnant although we use condoms as well

This might sound so grotesque!!?

you will be experiencing what they call break through bleeding hunny because you haven't have a break from you pill for 4 months. you wont be pregnant,but your body needs to catch rid of the vaginal womb waste that have been building up for 4 months. its injudicious that you delay your length for so long as it may cause infection. i suggest that you embezzle your 7 day break hastily so that you periods can go and get back to ordinary again. i admit that i hold myself delayed my period when i be on marvalon.for 3 months. and trust me i would never do it again,as i had the spell from hell the month i took the 7 day break. please be bit more mean as it may cause you impair. hope things sort themselves out for you both. take pious care xx

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If you are bleeding, the occasion is you are not pregnant. Although the only passageway to be sure is to take a home pregnancy tryout. If you are pregnant, it will be difficult to date as you are unsure of the date of your last true length.

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you dont have period when your pregnant, your hormones are probably up the wall coz the pill isnt realy designed to carried over for long periods of time!! if you dont want period at all the injection pill is probably more suited!! i would consult your gp or own flesh and blood planning clinic and ask what to do!!

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If you were using both pill and condoms, the coincidence that you are pregnant is VERY unlikely. Normally there is no obligation to use condoms and pills.
As a side comment, keep surrounded by mind that pill might not be able to protect you if you own diarrhea or vomiting, because it cannot be absorbed fully.


Totally commonplace when you take a few pack in a row. Don't verbs. You won't be pregnant. Tell your bf to calm down. Your womb inside layer has to shed at some point. It's the road it works. You'll still have some bleeding during your break, but I don`t know lighter than if you'd not had a break through bleed. appease down. you're fine!

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You won't be pregnant. I too have have this problem. Your body needs a break from the pill as even though it contains untaught hormones it is also made up of other chemicals. Your body is probably trying to tell you that it desires a rest from taking this drug (remember, part of a pills undertaking is to fool your body into thinking it is pregnant). After you have be on the pill for over a year or so it is advisable to take some time stale. However, I notice someone commented that you cannot be pregnant if you enjoy a bleed. That is rubbish, you can! If you are really worried take a pregnancy oral exam but I honestly don't think you own anything to worry something like. As for the boyfriend, don't let his hypersensitivity stress you too much. Men are worriers! FACT!

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It is unsafe to use the pill continuously in the method that you been doing.It increases the risk of endometrial,(uterine) cancer. please see your GP and discuss.

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