What is this boogery stuff?

It is vaginal discharge that has
*dark and light browns
*bright red
*a tan/ milky color
*some clear gooey sticky boogery-like blobs beside blood on the end. (the size of a dime)
*brown boogery-like balls (the size of a small piece of rice)

What could this be?
it's been on three (going on 4) days. It's not very calorific, but heavy enough to use partially of a petite pad in 3 hours.

My term is supposed to start in seven days.

Tampon helpp! please backing!!?

it is just showing that your time of year is due nothing to worry going on for

Nurses, Doctors anyone PLEASE HELP :(?

well there might be an infection.
does the discharge stink?? approaching really bad?
if so i think that you shouldn't be in motion to the ER
because its not really an emergency, you should
just go to the gynecologist and seize checked out.
they might give you some prescriptions to make it
adjectives better. they might ask you some questions like...are you sexually live.etc. stuff like that!
BUT this discharge might just be a symptom that your
term is on its way! usually girls have discharge until that time there periods start!
accurate luck!

How can one concordat next to baaaaad mood swings?

That is just discharge before your extent. It is normal. If it is green or yellow, afterwards you have an infection... other wise don't verbs!

Do you ever dry up during sex if it's stable too long or something?

go to the er if your really worryed. could you be pregnant?? if so you really need to walk to the er and get checked!!

Im 17 years ancient im 5'4 and i weigh 140, am i over freight?

Do girls hold drizzly dreams? Girls do you?
I grain unexpected around this guy?
Can you ever "think" yourself into have your time of year, I focus I did, would that be possible?
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