Can endometriosis and pmt cause short occupancy memory problems?
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The short term memory problem is one caused by the prostrap (the U.S. nickname for this drug is Lupron). This is a known problem to go off because of the medication.
As for the premenstrual tension (also call PMS here in the U.S.) you could try taking B6 any in a bottle by itself or as cog of B Complex. I don't know if it's sold over the counter there contained by the UK but ask your dr about this to see if it's something that might be of facilitate to you.
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My girlfriend suffers from endometriosis and runs a support group within Portsmouth.While she doesn't think her short permanent status memory is affected in general, it does suffer when she's coming up to and on her period.
If you're after more info, try
They'll be capable of help greatly more than me!
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this is surely and entirely due to hormonal fluctuations although you are suffering it to an extreme. I'm currently going through the menopause and have experienced, to my alarm, forgetfulness and it's similar to there are holes within my brain that all ease and information are steadily falling out of. I really thought I was getting Alzheimers or something! Anyway, my doctor confirmed that my fluctuating hormones are doing this and referred me to a well-mannered website ( which, although for menopausal women, really deals beside the problems that hormonal ups and downs bring. And there are so oodles stories of women who feel their minds are getting foggy and cannot remember what happen five minutes ago.I'm sure your doctor can recommend something. Vitamin B6 is supposed to help although I've not have any gain from it. What I do find helpful, though, is to write everything down. Have a wad in every room and, as you remember something you own to do, scribble it down much resembling a shopping list.
I'm sorry I cannot grant you a solution but I wanted you to know that you're not alone out nearby! There's plenty of us women wandering around in a daze, completely at the mercy of our hormones!
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If I gain you right then after you haven't started the proposed treatment yet so your memory loss is not a side effect of any prescriptions but to some extent just noted by you ~ but will probably increase once you start near prostap as the previous poster noted.PMT is a very nonspecific term for hormones running furious in your system and yes, short residence memory problems are very material. I don't really have a PMT problem per se anymore(no cramps, pains etc.) but two to three days formerly my periods my brain only does not function as it normnally does. It all goes final to normal though a bit then in the cycle.
Since supplementing near magnesium my original PMT woes are a piece of the past and I can heartily recommend it to you.
Good luck ~ Alandriel
I be diagnosed with endometriosis within 2004, though now knowing the symtoms I believe I've have it since I was 13.
I unequivocally notice the forgetfulness, and also a "dazed" foreboding, especially when I'm through a bad moment. I also find that when I'm due my interval I seem to catch even scattier, dropping things etc, always annoying when I'm doing the wash up!
I used to be in a unpromising relationship and I was clearly worse, since leaving him and giving myself a positive energy I'm a lot better. I mull over that making sure you are relaxed and removing, as much as possible, any stressful components of your life be that work, relationships or other factor, will help you grain better all round.
Take subdued time each time, even 5 minutes, sit in a room - I turn the lights off, you could pale candles - and lie or sit and help yourself to nice deep breath and have a feeling your body relax.
Lastly, and this may not be right for you, after years (10) on every type of contraceptive under the sun to fight the endo, I finally came bad it. I went on 3 months of hormone treatment (basically give me the menopause) as I wanted to clear my body of the endo in the past getting pregnant. That treatment did make me get the impression bloody awful, but when I came past its sell-by date it, apart from the pain (now once a month instead of adjectives month) you don't know how relieved I felt. I could promise with the aching, because now the scattiness, the dizziness, the hot flushes and the nausea be gone, and the pain be about a quarter of what it have been back. I just couldn't believe how smooth headed, how clear head I suddenly felt after adjectives those years.
Yesterday I found out I'm pregnant, so now I own all those side effects to concordat with instead!!
Good luck, this is a horrible disease that affects so abundant people, sometime cripplingly and on the other hand is so little understood. I hope that you find the right approach to deal beside yours, listen to your doctor but don't be afraid to explore alternative routes.
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thats in truth made me think.i've get PID which is near adequate the same as endo, and my memory have been unpardonable for the last few years to the point where on earth i cant remember what ive recently done.. so perchance it can?- How long is too long to be on the pill?
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