Am i the only girl who get the really bad munchies when im on my time?

i normally dont guzzle much but when iv just come on, every month i obtain extreme munchies n just want to get through everything, i never actually consistency hungary but i want to eat, am i the individual one thats like this or does everyone bring back it?

What do you think?

No, you are most markedly not the only one....everybody does, it's a hormone item...

13 yrs oldPeiod that is 3 months unpaid!?

nah, its the same near me

Do herbal supplements that offer to increase the size of your breast work?

No, definitly not. Every women experiences this. It's the hormones :)

I enjoy just discovered that the HRT I hold been taking for former times two or three weeks is out of date?

i hold eaten the entire contents of tesco past now when i own been on. does that answer your press?

What are some natural remedies for hose retention ( PMS related)?

its definitley normal, lots of girls walk through it, its just another complication of your length that you have to contract with. appropriate luck!

My underwear smells sour when i take it bad! do i have an infection?

Nope, you are not alone. I could eliminate a whole pouch of potato chips in one sitting, followed by several pieces of chocolate or some rime cream. This is why I don't buy that kind of stuff anymore...I can't trust myself to be contained by the house at that time of the month with them!

Is it commonplace to be attractive to women and like want to do ''stuff'' near them?

Nope, just have 3 glasses of wine and 3 lots of crisps, just going for a banister of chocolate now. Why not,we obligation a bit of comfort at this time.

Women get multiple orgasms?

honey i consider you have met your contest. i EAT so much its unbelievable and its not that i quality hungry, i just discern the urge to eat and i don't in actuality feel guilty roughly speaking eating that much as i would when i am not on the term. but the good entity for me is after my period i loose my appetite completely for give or take a few a week or 2 and so it balances out.

Help near tampons?

this is a girl thing we adjectives go nuts at this time me.. powerfully hide the chocolate i am on a mission!!don't stress it embrace it chocolate anyone?

What give attention to?

LOL!! You're not the only one! I crave food resembling I was pregnant when my term hits. I see something on tv, its like the full world will end if i don't seize it.

A bottle of water for some foundation takes away that craving. I consider it's a primal thing. Because we are shedding and didn't acquire preggers, we want to eat to regain what we've lost and get hold of as "fat" as we can so if we do get preggers, we enjoy enough to obtain the proccsess going. I could be wrong!

Enojy your munchies!!

Fertile times?

No your not the only one. When I'm on mine I get through everything in sight. Your not alone.

Please facilitate. I don't know why this is happenening?

No, I get the worst munchies when I am PMSing. It is close to constant cravings but I am never actually hungry.

Been on birth control for in the order of 6 month now. Why hold I had my time for almost 2 months straight?

a dont think your the single 1 a dont eat much iver but when a be on a went foolish 4 choclate biscuits x

Why do woman..?

No when im on my period I entail chocolate and if I dont have any Im a nightmare. My husband ends up going to a 24hr garage as i hold battered his head that much.

What do you regard??

That's how I know my period is coming. I bring back the urge to stuff my face! I could guzzle all year and not feel self-righteous.

I read somewhere that it is nature. Women devour more around the time of their period to ensure that they are wholesome enough to receive pregnant.

Anorexia Nervosa..please answer?

Same here, I get the inkling that i need to save eating, in recent times small things but often, and i lone ever want to eat chocolate when i first come on as ably, at other times i do not eat chocolate, so you are not alone, it is down to our poor hormones.

Should I walk to the emergency room or wait 4 my appt subsequent week?

I feel exactly like peas in a pod...I clear the fridge, I have be known to munch through jam - straight from the jar, pickled peppercorns - again from the jar, anchovies, cheese, organic onions anything that is within the house. So no, you are not alone.

For those who take the pill, when do you lug your pill?

no not at all..i do catch the munchies as well as response an urge to clean similar to i would if i was at the latter stages of pregnacy,i sometimes obtain aroused which is odd..but nearby you go..cook a pot full of curly kale..butter and some gravy if you resembling..try not to eat sweet things.


Girls ladies please back me?

no i get that too hun! try drinking fruit instead of sweeties though, i know its hard!

Is this average?

I think thats moderately common i catch that to, apparenlty our bodies need an extra 200 cals per year when we due/on and thats why it happens

It hurts right below my breast on the right side!?

i do but not every month

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