Please give support to. I don't know why this is happenening?

Sunday I started on Ayegetisn ( I think that's the spelling) but if you don't know what it's supposed to do it can be used as a birth control but also to stop the extent. But I think I forgot to hold it Tuesday (can't remember, bad day), and this morning and today I've have pink and such off and on adjectives day even though I took one yesterday and one this morning and one this afternoon (you can bring up to two a day). But then I woke up merely now near really bad backache in my sides resembling I get when I catch my period. Why is this still occurring, and will it stop soon tonight or tomorrow when I take it again? Please I requirement help.

Annual robustness checkup..what do they do?

any pills with hormones, especially birth control next to estrogen or progestin (which is yours, aygestin) can affect a period resembling spotting, earlier or postponed, heavier or lighter flow are common things when starting, stopping or varying brands or doses- your body needs a touch time to get used to the hormone changes- google for contraceptive side effects and find list to know whats normal & what isn't (if side effects concluding too long u might need a different dose) and take heed for using anything to stop period cuz it can do iron build up or other problems, i hope the doctor told u get the blood level tested every so often...
this site have tons of info about alot of different drugs and perscriptions (the association is for that 1)
there's a schedule menu at the left for every drug on in that

I haven't had my time of year yet?

hi,, did a doctor certainly told u to take this pill? did u only start taking it?
I used to have abundantly of problems with my spell since I kept bleeding for months so my dr. used to give me some pills and shots to stop it... and sometimes I get like crams approaching when I was almost having my interval... my doctor told me it was middle-of-the-road since I just started taking hte pills so, as they be hormons, they were approaching giving me that pain and it be normal while my body get to use to the pills... it doesnt have to concluding for more than 3 days though, so if it happens telephone call ur doctor...
Sorry about my fruitless enlish, I am french...
Good luck!

I have a grill about the females commodities?

If your period isnt due, afterwards this does not sound obedient. Go to an ER or doctor ASAP. you might be seriously ill.

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