If you hold had an Alcohol problem contained by the past, would it affect adjectives pregnancies?

I was of late wondering if the eggs (ova) are affected by alcohol and if nearby was an increased chance of birth defects, even if the mother have given up alcohol prior to becoming pregnant?


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"Currently, it is not known whether alcohol is a mutagen affecting the ova or sperm prior to conception." ~ according to the Wiki Book "Handbook of Genetic Counseling/Fetal Alcohol Syndrome"

I've never hear any evidence of alcohol affecting unborn children, other than the very well documented fetal alcohol syndrome.

The only evidence I can really present is what I've observed from my own experience with recovered alcoholics - I've not notice an increased rate of birth defects or condition problems in their children. I'm also the child of a womanly alcoholic.

Also, in adjectives my reading of alcoholic literature, I've never come across any mention of the risk to ova the alcohol poses.

I, therefore, am not concerned almost the effect of my previous alcohol abuse on my unborn children, but I will ask my doctor back I try to concieve. I'd advise you to do alike.

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I dont think it would, its not approaching your eggs are there adjectives the time, new ones are made every month, so if you have not drunk alchol in that time, consequently I dont see how that egg could be affected

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It's more predictable to put a strain on your other organs,liver, kidneys etc. Remember your body has to work extra sturdy to cope with pregnancy.

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No your pregnancies will be fine as long as you don't drink while pregnant.

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Fetal alcohol syndrome is only a problem when the mother drinks during pregnancy. A predisposition to soak up drinking with few cynical side effects be passed from parent to child and by this I mean an potential to drink a lot minus a horrible hangover. That doesn't mean that your child will want to drink though.

Help what lately happend to me?

it shouldn't but if you are worried have a chat next to you midwife or your doctor and they should put your mind at rest

LADIES Who Have Taken Provera PLEASE HELP!!?

Acutally what the first poster has said is not correct, you are born near all of your eggs, and they season during puberty and are released monthly. That's why their quality decline rapidly after 35. As fir alcohol affecting them, if you hold had an alcohol problem within the past, you really entail to go to your GP and grasp checked that the added starin of pregnancy is not going to cause your liver or kidneys to backfire, and that you are mentally as well as phyiscally surrounded by the right frame of mind to have a child. You can also ask him this ask, because though I work in a hospital I enjoy to admit I really don't know, I'm thinking along the lines of no, but you're better stale asking a pro.
Anyway, well done for getting through your problem, you should be really pleased next to yourself, and good luck making a fighting fit baby.

I entail advice something like the " pill"?

An interesting and worrying question. If it have been your problem approaching it was near me then I have a feeling for you. NHS direct would best be able to answer your request for information and you would keep your anonymity. I hope you are competent to have a nice wholesome bouncing baby. May God bless you next to one. x

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