What did women do during menstrual cycles in olden times?

How did women protect themselves and maintain hygiene during times when here were no tampons or pad?


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They wore a pad made of wadded cloth or absorbent moss. They a short time ago didn't have the wing or sticky bit on the back and be held in place by ties. Hence the occupancy "on the rag". Some also used tampons made of fabric too.

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Oh, my gosh, that's a really righteous question. I'm gonna look that up. They probably basically put someting colth-like in their panties to protect them.

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they used cloth rags.
and reused them by wash them...

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they were any held in seclusion because they be seen as foul...they used wads of cotton or other fabric to absorb the flow

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Heard the expression, "one on the rag"? That is because in times past modern products, women stripped rags of material. These were rolled up and worm similar to a wipe.

These were wash out and reused.

Girls only you guys wouldnt no this?

They made their own 'pad' out of 'rags' and they'd swab them out and dry them on the line ... most citizens thought they were only 'cleaning rags' since the 'stains' showed as feebly in both.

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Ever wonder why they call it " the rag" Women within old time or even surrounded by some under developed countries use rag, old pieces of clothing cut up in pieces to fashion pad resembling protection. These are washed and hung to dry to be reused.

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i contemplate that they just put cloth within their underwear and then rinsed that cloth out.. but i no a LONG timeago when a woman be on her period she have to leave the town because they thought that they be beinbg taken over by something evil or sumthing

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I think that some Egyptian women used some sort of rolled fern as a tampon.

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