How do you know if you own an infection your vagina?!?

I'm only 15, and i be wondering. Because I've been have this clear discharge (for a really long time) and when its on my panties its white, then when i thrash its clear. It doesn't smell, but sometimes it does. Is this normal!?
I can't be pregant, Ive single had sex once and that be over a year ago, and Ive had my time of year since i was 11 (or 12)

[im sorry this is so graphii started my time of year four days late. afterwards it get really heavy and brownish red

this is the vagina cleaning itself this also will turn out during ovulation completely normal, sex is nearly 10% physical and 90% mental turn your mind toward other interest and this hornyness will subside

My doctor found a lump?

That's completely normal for someone your age. It'll subside once you're elder. But to put your fears to rest, why not just ask an elder female that you trust? Obviously if you've asked it here you can ask someone you trust..or look it up on the Net instead of asking question in a forum. Some might bliss in giving the wrong information at others' expense.

Just out of curiosity i needed to ask?

Discharge is normal if it is clear, or white and not strapping and thick. Odor is mundane but it should not be a foul odor. Your vagina produces this discharge to keep itself verbs.

Being horny is normal too.

Any concept what the issue could be?

this is normal. everygirl contained by the world has have discharge at one time. some girls actually stop have it after awhile ( so i've heard) but this is no different from the discharge you may have have earlier contained by life. it does not have it in mind your pregnant. it does not mean u hold an infection. if there's alot next wear a pantyliner. do NOT use a tampon for this tho. it coyuld result in TSS which may cause annihilation.

How Can I help my husbands (ED). Besides Viagra Etc.. Serious answers solitary please!?

Hi Jennifer,
What u have is a yeast infection which is NOT an STD, adjectives of us females get them. When u stir to the washroom to pee & wipe r self, if u look closely it will be a bit shiny, that is the infection, u've done nought wrong. As a matter of reality I have one right very soon! Went to the Dr. & in Canada we hold to to take solely one pill from the Dr. or u can go through Monistat or
any other med at the pharmacy. Sweetie when u find something, anything wrong down within you must tell r MOM AT ONCE! You've have this yeast infection way TOO LONG,
plse make clear to her now so u can enjoy it cleared up at once! I don't mean to napkin on u, I'm sorry, but it is vitally important if here is a change down nearby, u let her know, I'm startled the next time it'll be exceptionally serious & something will happen to u! O.K. very soon u know what a Yeast Infection is & I know r young & don't figure out yet, but plse communicate r MOM now, as it is be going on far to long! Tell her a lady Diana surrounded by her late 40's explained it to you & how long u've have it now ok? Or Dad someone!
My Best of Luck to U Sweetie,
LOL, Diana D
P.S. Plse start wearing a pantie liner to protect r panties & aways get a pad r tampton for accident. lol

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