I own quill on my lip and im a girl...?

well i notice it when i was 12 and im immediately 15 and i told my mom and she bought this cream stuff for ur face and i used it and it burned me so i never did and since after i have merely been bleaching it and i go to the doctor about a year ago and she told me everything be ok and i took a blood test to see if my hormone plane was fine and ever since after its just be bugging me! im wanna get rid of it! i dont wanna shave or pluck. is at hand anything kind pills i can get from the doctor to abet it? please help me!!

Answers:    Whatever you do do not shave it!
wax it... it'll win thinner each time... Welcome to the wonderful world of hormones! A LOT of girls and women own this problem, so first of all, you are not alone! In reality, I am graced near a very stylish mustache and even a bit of beard unless I wax it sour. :) It sucks, but it's just inheritance.

Honestly, waxing is the best course to get rid of it short of laser hackle removal, which is expensive. Waxing sucks because it's painful and the first couple of times it can create you to break out, but believe me, it's way better than going away it there! Ugh! And the cool piece about wax is that all the distress is over super-quick, so it's not like plucking where on earth it's dragged out for HOURS. And the more you wax, the more your nerves get used to it, so it hurts a moment or two less respectively time. By the time you're my age (27) you barely grain it at all. I a moment ago got my obverse waxed this morning and it be a piece of cake.

Plus with wax, it doesn't grow back for close to 6 weeks! Yay!
if your hormones are fine then it must be genetic. sorry you can merely bleach or wax. you can go for laser if you want. or try a birth control anti-androgen if you really want. There is a medication. I think it's call something like Vaniqua. I would be really surprised if you could go and get a doctor to prescribe it to you at your age.

Also, try other brands of depilatory cream. They are not all equal. I find Veet to be pretty placid. Or Surgi-Cream. Also, never leave it on any longer than the directions voice. And follow it with the lotion it comes beside to put on after wards. Remember to never try to remove the mane more than once in a 24 hour term (I ended up beside owies by doing that.).

Have you considered waxing? Go bring it done at a salon.

In all honesty, not a soul probably even notices it except you.
abundantly of hair places/spas submit permanent spike removal, if I were you I would utilize the service and be done near the problem (has to be easier and most likely even cheaper than bleaching it or doesn`t matter what not to mention the psychological aspect of never having to perceive self-conscious about it again) near is a prescription cream you can get from ur doctor which removes facial fleece.its called vaniqa...perchance go to a dermatologist/ob/gyn or even freshly ur fam doctor
Try electrolisis. It may take a few teatments but it is unbreakable. You can buy and Epi-pen and do it yourself or opt for treatment from a professional. All it is is radio waves that snuff the root. unfortunately here is no magic pill or drug that can help this. if your hormones adjectives checked out normal, it is most probable hereditary. I hold the same problem. i own hair pretty much everywhere...nice lovely grey brown hair. i shaved near electric razor from age 10 - mid 20s sometime. no, it doesn't grow fund thicker or whatever other myth is floating around. same fleece grew back. purely shaved every couple days. i tried bleaching, but that burned my sensitive skin, much the same road yours did with anything product your mom bought. I have since have laser hair removal done surrounded by my 30s. it is very expensive, but am very soon hair free.

you solely options are shaving, wax, bleaching, cream hair removal stuff, electrolysis and laser. single electrolysis and laser are permanent. and bleaching and quill removal creams are not good for sensitive skin and can incentive burning.
u man beast move about to the zoo

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