How often should you enjoy a smear?

I had my first smear audition at 20 i think, i`m presently almost 25. how often should they be?

Nuvaring users?

General counsel is ever 3 years in UK. If in attendance are any problems with a smear however the laboratory will request nearer repeat.

Although it is denied, there is abundantly of health economics involved here decision. In the USA they may be done every twelve months.

My girlfreind?

Once a year

How on earth can anyone tender a thumbs down for all the individuals here that said once a year.

I have a brilliant doctor NOT NHS, and they read aloud once a year, those who believe its every 3 years are fools. so are you telling me, IF something is wrong down here, it is OK for it to fester for 3 YEARS. Oh please learn the facts. It is once a year and dont tolerate any other person share you otherwise.

In your opinion what is the best birth control and explain a bit why.?

Once a year as member of your complete OB/gyn exam. You get the PAP & pelvic exam every year!! Call & diary an appointment pronto!!

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You should get one every year even if you are not sexually alive

How old be you when..?

If you are in the UK, it used to be every five years but I thought they have reduced it to every three years - check with your GP surgery. Personally, I money privately (about lb60) to have one every one year to 18 months. I spend that lacking thinking on clothes etc so why not on your health?


If you are conversation about a pap smear - it should be twelve-monthly - even though you may be told that once you have a conventional result you can wait and hold it done every 3 years. I feel it is better to be undisruptive and have it done per annum that way if you hold problem it will probably be treatable.

Please help me?!?

every year

Has this ever crop up to u??

I think that it is every five years or after you hold had a child

Breast implant?

ok if you live within england it is every 3 years hope that helps

Period behind time but used a condom that didn't break?

I was told the age for a smear have now changed. you seize your first smear at the age of 24. it used to be 18 or 19. And i think you bring back one every 2 years.

How do u know when your period is done for the month?

They usually dispatch for you every 3 years until you are 50 ,then it's every 5 years. I would arrange one immediately.
This is in the UK.

Will my boobs grow on birth control?

1 time a year

Ok economically im confused and im scared to ask my girl!?

every two yrs surrounded by ireland

What Can This Be ?

Once a year or more often if you adjust sex partners alot.

Sore breasts from the establishment of cycle. not expecting period. 36 years feeble regular cycle. never had short 1?

At most minuscule once a year. It doesn't matter where on earth you live. Anything can cause a metamorphose in your body, including sex, infections, etc. You don't want to develop cervical or ovarian cancer so GO TO THE DOCTOR.

Is a miscarriage an abortion?

every 6 months

Inverted nipples!?

every year

I own something that feels approaching?

My doctor has recommended that I own one every 3 years since I was surrounded by my mid 20's,this is apparently the norm.

Yeast infection? PLEAZ HELP!?

In the UK on the NHS it's every 3 years BUT I would really recommend every year. I kept putting it off and wait for 5 years and now I requirement treatment to remove pre-cancerous cells (apparently this is rather common) and then I hold to go wager on every 6 months for checks.

So PLEASE get checked asap. Any abnormality can be treated but not if you leave it too behind!
Take care

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