Progesterone and preventing miscarriage?

Am a little confused - i hold been reading that progesterone can oblige prevent miscarriage. If so when should supplements be taken? Before conceiving? During? If during, when exactly?

Then there is the progesterone just pill - doesnt that PREVENT u from getting prevent? So what do u do? Take progesterone of not?

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Hi, yes it can prevent miscarriage but not in the form of the contraceptive pill or suplement. When a woman has suffered a miscarriage a doctor will do test as to the cause. If it is showing that at hand is hormonal imbalance he will administer a small amount of progesterone through the pregnancy. This is a specific dose, and hormone level are monitored. There are many other cause of miscarriage and this will not prevent these. Do not take progesterone supplements though surrounded by pregnancy as unless for the above reason they will do you wound. Good luck Just an addition into the reply below, I am a gynaecology nurse, and I adminsister the injection of progesterone day after day. I thought i would point this out as in the correct prescribed dose for certain reason, it does prevent miscarriage, but only for those who necessitate it. I just don't want any one reading this who is undertaking this treatment to start worrying.

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progesterone can oblige prevent a woman from having an ectopic pregnancy.
It cannot prevent miscarriage and is used as a contraceptive, and for this defence only the information you hold read is wrong and the source unreliable.
It is prob more likely to afford you miscarriage as it makes the uterus uninhabitable for a fertilised egg.

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I hold never heard that this can prevent miscarriage - it is true that you can appropriate it to STOP getting pregnant while you are breastfeeding but do NOT take it while pregnant - best suppliment is Folic Acid.

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progesterone is a instinctively occuring hormone found in pregnant women. it supports pregnancy, but it's all down to the level of hormone present. miscarriage can occur for adjectives sorts of reasons, and taking any type of progesterone supplement is no guarantee that it wont appear. there's no substitute for a nourishing lifestyle and diet.

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