How adjectives is is it??

Have you or anyone you know gotten pregnant while on the pill and using a condom?? Without the condom breaking?

What does it mean by sexually alive?

no, but.. if you are on the pill and are taking ANYTHING else, be sure to ask your Dr. if it will interact with your pill.

My aunt be on the pill for forever and still got pregnant a short time ago because she took another prescription while on it. If the condom doesn't break, I woudln't worry at adjectives.

I am a female, 5'0, and weigh 125. am i overwieght & how much should i weigh?

The possibility of that happening is really low. Really, really low. Like, conceivably 1/1000 (or 0.1%).

Which contraception is best?

no not the condom breaking lol
but yes on b c

Why should women pee before and after have sex?

chances are missing the pills once in a while. more reliable options are embed, injections, or pads.

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