What does it mean by sexually live?


If you have an infection in your vagina is here any way to gain rid of it without going to the doctor?

It routine to literally be active contained by sexual activities, as contained by having sexual intercourse. Some associates may extend this to include masturbation, however when a doctor asks it is so they can know your sexual-partner and -risk history.

Period Problem - Large blood clots?

to have sexual intercourse...know what that ability?

My last cross-question?

your having sex

13 years older and no Period?

sexually active is whether or not youre have sex, or taking part contained by sexual activity.

I have sex a week ago. My last length ended give or take a few two weeks ago. Could I be pregnant?

It means, are you have sex?

Whats wrongreally nausueas?

it means you're getting laid.
Having sex
making babies?

Girls please!!?

It vehicle if you have sex on a regular idea.

Birth Control Question?

It means that you are have frequent sexual intercourse.

Brazilian wax?!? please answer?

it means that sexually, as within having sex, you are involved. sexual intercourse. etc. it just process that you are having sex.

That you rivet in sex, be it vaginal, oral or anal. Any infiltration of a body cavity by a sex organ is sex.

Is it dangerous?

I regard that being sexually moving means that you are in actual fact having sex. if you're a short time ago doing sexual acts but not have intercourse than I think you're freshly curious but aren't sexually active however.

PMSing>can i expect my period thats be skipping soon?

It means you enjoy had sex, your are have sex, or you are currently in a relationship where on earth you two participate contained by sex.

An Adult Question??

to particapate in sexual goings-on with the in front of sex

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