Condom allergy?

im allergic to condoms, thwey make me really osre the itchy for nearly a week afterwards, my doctor said it be the spermicde so i got some minus the spermicide an they wr worse. im on the pill but would like to no if anyone else have this problem an what you use instead as the pill doesnt work properly for a week if ur ill

Do you think my gynecologist will provide me sample pack?

You could be allergic to latex which is what most condoms are made of. Try ones made of polyurethene. They are more expensive but ideal for those allergic to latex. Lambskin condoms are ok but not as powerful as latex and polyurethene, they would be my last choice.

You can also try a sponge (otc) or be fitted for a diaphram as a backup.

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sounds like a plain latex sensitivity/allergy to me. Try lambskin ON TOP of regular latex condoms. (Lambskin is not nearly as successful as latex so shouldn't be used as a sole protectant.)

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You have a Latex allergy. Use the lambskin condoms.

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It could be the latex. I am allergic to latex condoms and they caused soreness, intense itching, and regularly, yeast infections. Try using a brand of condoms that doesn't use latex. I believe Durex has some right alterative material ones.

Good luck!

My extent is over a week late and i still havnt goten it however.. why?

You most likely own a latex allergy. I don't know if it's possible to get condoms that are made lacking latex, but that might clear up your problem. You could also try the spermicidal foam without a condom and see if that sets you past its sell-by date, too. You could try it first by putting a little on yourself and see if it make you itch. If it doesn't, it's almost as effective as a condom as long as you follow directions.

Wondering something like a breast reduction?

might be a laytex allergy. I'm on the pill and enjoy read that if you are using an antibotic than you must take extra precaution..but if you are not on any charitable of other medication thats says may interreact beside birthcontrol then i come up with you would be fine.

Why sperms cannot stay in me?

It sounds like a latex allergy. Try using condoms short latex.

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