Does your time of year alter a pap smear?

My period go almost non-stop. How can they get a proper indication if your period alters the pap smear?


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You *can* enjoy pap smears while on your period... it simply isn't recommended, for the intensely reasons you discuss. The road the pap works basically involves the technician making a wasted sample of your cervical cell, and then looking at them below a light microscope.

In your grip, the technician would see some cells that would be worrisome contained by a nonmenstruating woman but are fine for someone who is bleeding: blood and endometrial tissue. Thus any diagnoses related to seeing those won't apply in your case, so you're missing out on some of the screening means of the Pap. But if you have cancerous or precancerous cell, those have a distinct appearance, and the tech will still know how to find them.

This is something you should talk in the order of with beside your doctor. They'll be able to wish if they want to do a pap smear or do other tests first to see if your continuous menstrual bleeding have a serious cause.

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The cell are taken from your cervix, so they can do it while on your period, but usually they close to it either the first morning, or at almost the end. If you are have problems with your interval though, a pap may show why. Maybe not, but at least it will rule out unquestionable things. Don't worry just about it. It doesn't alter it enough to motivation a problem, or they wouldn't do it.

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A pap smear done, while you're menstruating, is never recommended. The blood cells present can arcane an accurate reading. If you're truly having a problem next to excessive bleeding, then it would be best to own an initial visit to diagnose the bring of it and treat you for it. You will also need to be checked for anemia. Once that's resolved, afterwards you can schedule a pap. The on the spot concern, to me, is the almost "non-stop" periods.

I notice the other response from someone who works in one and the same field that I do. We will never accomplish a pap on someone who is menstruating for the reason as described above. Different physicians own differing view apparently.

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Yes, it can. Traditional pap smears are done on a glass slide. They are stained and read by a cytotechnologist. But inflammation and high-ranking numbers of red blood cells can shroud the cervical cells and indigestible bleeding may make them unreadable.
Ask for a fluid based pap smear. It will lend a hand. The cells are placed into a fluid based milieu and then processed to abandon a single layer slide for exam. It is easier to read.
Do not loaf though. Talk to your dr. If you are having non-stop bleeding, you call for to get checked out very soon. There are other things they can do too. I had this problem as economically. They may want to do an endometrial biopsy. Don't worry - it's caring of like a pap beside a pinch. It really is not bad. But you want to get this checked! Soon!

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