What is wrong next to me no length for 5 months and not pregnant?

i have be trying for a baby for 3 years in a minute without nouns since i had a miscarriage something like 3.5 years ago i have have irregular periods (5 to 8 weeks). i use to be regular. i have to have a d and c after losing the child. well my finishing period be now 30 september. i hold had spotting since later somethimes light red and sometimes brown but enjoy not had a extent. i did a pregnancy test surrounded by january and that was gloomy. what could b wrong with me could i own cancer or something? i am really scared. i saw me gp today n getting a internal subsequent week.

Answers:    Stress, illness, medication & immensity changes can affect your hormones, thus shifting your cycle. I would make an apt. beside your doc. & get checked-out. Also, check contained by with your feminine relatives (mom, sister or aunt) & see if, your symptoms run in your family circle.
This could be an indication of a hormone imbalance (an example only) that could be going on such as near the thyroid (another example only). Either you are suffering from stress, as this can be a major create of periods stopping, or your hormones are imbalanced, what did your gp read out?
Hope all's well, permit me know how it goes hon..

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