I am currently thinking of have a sex change as i resemble a man more than a woman who do i turn to for advice

also my name is kathy what should i be called

A query on the pill?

Looking at your recent questions I give attention to you may be suffering from body dysmorphia & think you are monstrous, deformed & unattractive when you are probably no worse than the rest of us (most of whom are smaller quantity attractive than our Avatars). If you have surgery, you probably still won't be festive with yourself. Look at population like Michael Jackson - he's totally ruined his appearance. You really have need of to talk to someone in the order of this, who isn't just going to try and supply you plastic surgery, but find out why you feel this agency.

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Truly, you entail to discover who you are as a person, since you go making any long-lasting changes to your body. God created us the track that He wants us to be, you should parley to a councillor or some sort of therapist first. I deduce that this is an identity issue.

If a female have a high height of testosterone and she gets it underneath control, will the facial hair lessen?

Come and see me Kathy and I'll run some checks on you to determine what sex you are. You may consequently change your mind going on for sexual regendering.

Periods after D&C?

You need to own a better reason than resembling a man to hold a sex change operation. You won't be capable of get one otherwise.

A lot happen before the operation. You own to go through trialling including psychological.

For advice, see a Psychiatrist who specializes near transexuals.

If the girl was a virgin, and she bleeds after her first sexual contact. how long does she bleeds?

ask Dawn French

A few birth control question?

you should speak with your dr and I don`t know get councelling since undertaking such a major operaton

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