Do birth control pills really make you gain freight?

Is their a pill that -wont- make you gain bulk?

Ive got some funny symptoms is it PID.? please aid?

There's quite a bit of medical evidence that birth control pills don't make you gain substance, though some people find that they gain a few pounds, largely from dampen. You're just as possible to gain weight as you are to lose freight as you are to maintain your consignment. Pills like Yasmin or Yaz contain a hormone that's smaller number likely to motive the fluid retention that seems resembling weight gain for several people, but in that's no one idyllic pill. You may find that Yasmin makes you miserable but a different pill is fine, and so, the with the sole purpose thing to do is to gather round with your condition care provider, who will use your strength history and concerns to choose a pill that is feasible to work well for you, to try it for the recommended three months and if the side effects are too unpleasant to verbs, then to alter pills.

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Some do. Look for one that reports "low side effects". The weight gain sometimes isn't adjectives bad. Had a friend who gain 10 lbs of breasts when she went on the pill.

Anorexic question?

yes it does make you gain weightiness.
the only entity that wont is probably the patch or the shot..

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It depends on the doseage. I am on bc and i own not gained any solidity

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Ive been on the birth pill since i be 14.

didnt make me gain weightiness.

made my skin crystal clear though

and made my periods regular

miracle pill

bow down to the miracle pill

Can you find pregnant while you are spotting a little bit while taking bc pills?

It depends on the creature. When I got on the pill I lost consignment. However, my friend got on like peas in a pod pill and gained a few pounds. It typically isn't very much substance. It's worth getting on the pill.

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i am taking DIANE-35 since lst yr and i didn't gain a pound becoz of this pill. it even cleared up my acne and regulated my menstrual flow. i don't even experience PMS and cramps anymore. mind you, prior to taking this pill im an invalid everytime my period comes. and its lighter and shorter. im even smaller amount hairier now... =).. my gyne say its the safest kind of pill surrounded by the market today.. btw its a combination of cyproterone acetate and ethinyl estradiol. you myt want to ask your own gyne nearly this pill too because you myt have an allergic hostile response to this hormones...

About my breast?

Any pill or shot can make you gain it depends on your bosy and how it react there is no guarentee or method to tell for sure. There is only just trial and error. Any doctor will tell you that.

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