Ive got some funny symptoms is it PID.? please help out?

Im 19 Years old 20 this year I have a miscarriage in december 2006 and be told not to have sex till the bleeding have stop the bleeding stopped 2days later so we have sex we are using comdoms but ever since i had the miscarriage ive be have really doomed to failure tummy cramps and aches and sex hurts sometimes . this merely started after i had the miscarriage . im worried in that is something wrong with me im not constantly surrounded by pain but i am most of the time the tummy cramps/aches come and shift could i have PID? i am really worried as me and my partner are going to start trying for a toddler in 2 months have anyone else had these symptoms after a miscarriage? or know what it is my period are how they used to be before the miscarriage. Also i be thinking after a miscarriage maybe my cervix didnt be in motion back up ;close to it should could it be that...? thanks to anyone that answers

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