Anorexic question?

What do people who are anorexic chomp through? They cant eat zilch or theyd die too easily, and how normally do they eat?

Any one know how to be anorexic and when the results will show?

Im not going to be anorexic thats stupid. Im freshly wondering because I hear about it adjectives the time

Hey help please!?

anorexics only just eat and when they do, they any eat greatly little or after eating, try to throw up most of what they've eat.basically ethnic group with anorexia mostly starve themselves and other think they're still too flabby.

after a while they start to loose lots of weight and look sickly and especially unhealthy.
depending on the type of body system and several other biological, physiological and biochemical activites, it could give somebody a lift quite a while for the results to start showing. its pretty relative.
i individually think its a exceptionally dangerous and unreasonable dependence

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People suffering from anorexia do not eat, that is to say why it is so dangerous. People perceive sufferers skipping meals, mood swings, repeatedly exercising excessively, general irritability and tiredness.

Anorexia is a severe mental bug, leading to immensely real physical problems-fertility problems, brittle bones, thinning anodyne hair, doomed to failure skin, major digestive problems to designation but a few.

It is extremely dangerous, and should never be see as a way of dieting.

Ok i want ur help to convince my mom!?

I used to be anorexic so I'll try to back you understand. Anorexics you usually sign foods as safe or impossible. Bad foods usually consist of anything fattening like pizza, poptarts, cake, and other items. Safe items are usually fruits or veggies or things beside negative calories. There are some anorexics though that will get through nothing and use meds to stop in that hunger. Or will chew food then spit it. Anorexia is a mental disorder anyone who requirements to be anorexic will probably fail because minus the disease the hunger pains will probably alarm you and cause you to over drink.

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