Help!! I dream up I've lost myself!!?

Okay well I'm 14 years older. I've always be really girly.
Well back contained by the summer of 2007 I started to take intrest within gothic and punkish type stuff. I've been shifting my wordrobe and everything but I'm kinda confused because I sorta still like girly stuff and I don't suppose gothic stuff is my type at all. It freshly doesn't fit how I look. But I can't stop liking it. I don't regard anyone else likes it that I approaching that stuff either!! I'm so confused I really can't produce up my mind of who I am anymore. It's so weird I've never have this problem before!! Is this commen for teens my age?? please assistance me! I really don't know who I am!

Answers:    It's normal to reason this at your age. Well, for one, your clothes have zilch to do with who you are. They're lately style, you like this top, don't resembling those earrings, whatevs. Another thing is the solely difference between punk and prep is the label teens put to them. There are plenty of girly goths and tomboys who approaching abercrombie.

Don't try to find out who you are through what you wear/where you shop. Trying making reading a part of your regular routine; books hold magic, especially on these kind of things, trust me. And watch some obedient movies you've kinda heard of but never found the time to watch("The West Side Story", "The Godfather"), classics that ring a bell. Try cooking, receive a job, do some stuff that own to stereotype glued to them.
find a middle ground.
wear the pink top, beside dark skinny jeans and eyeliner! guys similar to preppy girls not gothic girls
This is the time to find yourself. Don't worry almost fitting into a style, create your own. Mix what you like and give up the rest. There is no correct mold, only you resembling the first noter said..
try to mix it together and slowly change contained by the direction you want to go and discern comfortable with..
yes adjectives 14 year olds are like lowest you have the lead to admit you dont know what you want and are trying to amount it out..
Commit seppuku~~!

or you become a lesbian, everyone loves that.
be who ever you want too be regardless of anyone else, try to ignore what anyone else is wearing your simply young and i can remember going through something greatly simaler to you when i was 15 and im 21 presently so not that long ago.
just wear what ever YOU quality comfertable in, close to the others said mix and match, theres nought wrong with creating your own distinctive style, you never know everyone could dress like you soon.
fitting luck and keep your chin up!
What you are experiencing is typical for teens. You are looking for your personal style/persona. Maybe what you could do is make a inventory of the things about girly you close to and the things about goth you resembling. On the other side of that same page, make a schedule of what you don't like roughly each of those styles. You might also jump to the public library to see some of their style magazines and look at those different styles to see if in that is something in nearby that you like. Try different things, different styles, different colors, different materials, dresses vs. pant, blouses vs. t-shirts, etc. Your style may change several times since you find out who "You" are. Now is the time when it is OK to experiment.

Some day filch yourself to a department store--Kohl's, Macy's, Penney's, Sears--where you can try on different styles and see what interests you. No, you don't have to buy any of those things. This is simply looking and seeing where you fit. If you want, transport a best friend along whho will be able to notify you Honestly how you look in the things you pick.

I never thought I looked apt in pink until a friend told me I looked fabulous contained by some shades of pink. See, that could be a difference too--maybe navy blue doesn't look honest on you but a medium blue looks wonderful! Try different stuff. And enjoy fun!!

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