Pregnant? Help please!!?

Hello, Well...I have be having unprotective sex, anyway economically...Feb. I had a short spell that lasted 2 1/2 days. Well...I did enjoy sex a few times when I was ovulating, and very well...I took a test second week and it came up gloomy. Well, I haven't tested again...I feel sick bra is getting tight...I am sick at my stomach(usually at night) I've have heart burn....and I just dont have a feeling like myself. Any design? Thanks!

What are signs for my period is coming?

You might own an STD.

What do u think of OB tampons?

See your doctor for a HCG assessment. Human chorionic gonadotropin or HCG, will be elevated in the event you are pregnant. You have nominated several factors that place you at giant risk. Go see your OB as soon as you can.

If you have sex could you do it again and again?

Hormone Imbalance You do not own to be old to hold hormone problems. Call Your Doctor!!!!!

Why does my body feel close to this?

you must consult an ob-gyne to make sure of your condition..

Why would I be sentiment this..?

You may be pregnant or you may have a stomach virus that may be making you perceive unwell.

The only bearing to know is to retest; that's the only agency, short of waiting until your period starts or you discern the baby see to tell if you're pregnant or not.

Girls just guys will be discussted!!?

Before you start freaking out, you need to digit out when your period is due. If you own not yet missed it, it may be too impulsive to test. Wait a few days and cart another test. If by the daytime of your missed period, you're still denial, wait another couple of days and trial again. If it's still negative, maybe see your OB/GYN and have an HCG blood theory test done. Good luck.

If im on top?

I would take another pregnancy oral exam ASAP. They work best in the morning, so do it as soon as you obtain up in the morning. Either style, you should see your doctor right away.

Light bleeding after periods?

Wait a couple of weeks longer, merely to make sure, after go to your doctor.. it could be a short time ago that your stressing over it if your not preg. and that would cause you to assume that you are and body to react resembling such. But for sure always be in motion to the doc and get their blood audition...otherwise the urine tests are like that they use in the doc bureau... but also make sure you read adjectives the instructions first and follow them to the "T" because if you mess up then you could get hold of a false reading.

What's the best thing to drink & do when you are on your term to have a short time?

When are you due for your period? If you are in arrears then bring another test.

The more stressed out you acquire about this the longer you can put rotten you period and own symptoms of pregnancy.

Take another test and if it comes up distrustful, relax and don't stress it.

And fo your sake GET ON THE PILL!!

Do you think marital can be a cure for depression?

Please, go see a doctor and return with examined.

Spots!! ewww help pwease?

take another pregnancy experiment, and use protection next time

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