Light bleeding after period?

I got my period on the 12th of this month it was 4-5days. I have sexual intercourse with my boyfriend on the 21st . The 27th I experienced street light very extraordinarily light bleeding. It stopped and the subsequent day it bled hugely little as well. I don't own any pains at all. What does this tight-fisted, I feel a bit worried. Please support me

Am i Overweight?

your pregnant congratulation's

A question for any women who have had a hysterectomy.?

it might be from the intercourse. the pressure on your body cause u to have that. i'm sure u know what happen when a girl loses her virginity. if it hasn't happened to her back the first intercourse then she have what they call "cherry popping" and i be told that kind of happen after every period. if it keep up then turn see your doctor if it makes u have a feeling better.

My bf mum said my face is getting a bit fatter?

it may freshly be not all of the blood come out when you first had your time!

My nipples have be hurting for a week straight!?

with this type of experience if care is not taking you can win pregnant.

How much can a girl take?

These are also call mid cycle bleeds, its just the womb gearing up for the possibility of pregancy during ovulation- hormones enjoy alot to answer for. I get them myself along near ovulation pains. However it would do no harm to walk and have a MOT at your doctors or economically woman clinic, and dont forget every sexually active woman should hold smear tests, they really can be a life span saver. Some bleeding can be associated next to changes surrounded by the cervix, luckily cervical cancer is slow , so treatment highly important when caught. Dont panic i be treated myself at 17 and at 28 am still clear. You have zilch to lose, and everything to gain by getting checked out. And it will put your mind at rest.

For women!!?

That is your Hymen (Cherry). It probably hasn't fully been removed so every time you get contact with it , it tears more and more.

Why have my sex drive decreased??

preggers possibly? i would get checked

What is the difference between "progesterin" and "progesterone"?

this is where on earth the saying "you popped my cherry" comes to play.

Could I be pregnant?

simple your not a vergin any more

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