If you own sex could you do it again and again?
I can.Can you?Lol.
All day
Anyone else taking care of a disabled parent working your concluding nerve?
yes yes yesThe doctor said i am a servere anmeic.She said my iron horizontal is 6. What does that mean?
Yes!! Have fun!!=D
Oh yeah, but of late remember to ALWAYS use protection! :)
Oh, Yes!
Ladies; is bleeding normal for first-timers?
male = yes- It can sound very nasty. Can you have papsmear done even you have your period?
- Is it possible for your period to die down, almost be done with and then return heavy the next day?
- If It Goes In?
- What do cramps before you get your period feel like?
- Pain near my IUD. I own have my IUD for a while in a minute, almost a year I regard as.?
- Is it true roughly period? GIRLS/WOMEN ONLY!!?
- Why is my gf so moody?
- Pregnancy possible?