Do you think wedding ceremony can be a cure for depression?

I read this study this morning and wanted to know what populace think of it. Please read earlier answering.

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I would suppose a good wedding would, but a bad matrimonial can be a cure for happiness.

After sex?

If that's what you want, sure. But for greatly of people nuptials is worse for them than good.

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I disagree---
---depression is different on everyone and it should be treated differently---marriage might even end up impossible if the only origin why 2 ppl got married is to temporarily "cure" and disorder

Why can't ANY doctor give me an answer in the region of a HUGE lump in my breast?!?!?!?!?!?

If the character is depressed because they want to be married, then it is possible, but save then the individual will just be bringing that depression into their conjugal, and their marriage will not ending long.

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I think that it will one and only make the entity happy for a while, but once the matrimony hoopla settles down they will go rear to being depressed, even contained by a good marriage ceremony.

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