Y is the penetratrion so Painful?

Its like u cant even purloin the pain its rock-hard to catch a breath it feel like a blockage bearing wen its insode and is forced to go within and it wen it hits it it is unbearable and it bleeds sometimes.is it too far contained by like 11 within.

Is there anything else.?

Please stop doing that to yourself! 11 inches is passageway too much for the vagina to take oftentimes, especially if you aren't aroused (and who could be near that dang thing hitting you). You are probably (I would bet money on this) hitting your cervix and specifically BAD. Take it easy on your poor cervix and don't tolerate that man (or object if masturbating) do that to you! Take control and at least possible straddle so that you have control. The cervix is pretty far-reaching if you want to have children, so nick care of it. The "blockage" is the walkway to your uterus!

I just read that you are 25 and married. This routine you should have right communication during sex, and why are you letting him do that if it doesn't feel flawless?!?!?! Do things that feel obedient, why have sex otherwise?

PS I only read other people's answers, it's not a medical problem, and lube won't solve your problem. Imagine you are shoving a baseball bat into a bottle, you will break the bottle (just resembling you are breaking your cervix).

Tampax problems?

how old r u?

Will birth control downsize the growth of hair on a woman's body?

If your man have an 11 inch * that is beyond massive and he shouldn't be putting it all the path in. Are you sure he have that big a dick? If so stop letting him all the course in in the past you do yourself any major smash up. If he isn't that big and you mistook his measurements, maybe you should be checked by your woman doctor for a pap smear, STD's and an internal exam. As you should not bleed from sex.

Why am I so nauseous adjectives the time?

It`s called vaginismus. Consult a doc.

Does a morning after pill work even if you are close to your time of year?

There are many possible reason. Endometriosis, if penetration is too wide the uterus could be being contacted which could do pain, etc.

See your gynecologist.

I Feel resembling my insides are coming out when I push to have a BM?

the average "depth" of a woman is 7 inches

I'm 13 and haven't have my period.?

try lube :D

Hi, i enjoy intercourse few months back.?

If you are experiencing dull pain with intercourse, please discuss it near your gynecologist.

Should I still use the pill or stop using it?

Sorry this is a cruel answer.
I feel you may not
- really be in place for sex
- truly like this man
- wallow in the wonderful time you can have when we do the penis surrounded by vagina thing.
If you really like this man -
(1) you'd have be to the doctor the next hours of daylight to check it out.
(2) your feminine juices would flow so much you'd be lubricated and within would be little pain.
As I used to communicate my students years ago -
First learn to giggle with a man, cram to enjoy doing silly things together, after and only later do the sex thing.

I get hit in the ovaries could i loose the little one?

He's hitting your cervix. That's the blockage. Ouch! Tell him to back sour!

I always come across to get bacter.vagino. over and over again whats the promise ?

I am sure that the 16 y/o does not have 11inches. You might want to bring a new ruler.

I am have abnormal bleeding and enjoy been on birth control for over a year!!?

I hope I am wrong but are you sure he's on the right hole or are you showing him the right one??

I lately had a miscarriage it be very upsetting and dull pain full?

Go see a physician; this is not normal. Lubricants are available that may prove of use.

What does it mean when u grain like u own to go to the bathroom but u dont or it burn when u do?

May be u should permeate the backup and leave the current one for occasional reality findings.

I had my term on 7th may 2007, early surrounded by the morning I feel tired & vomiting, from 1 week, if I nick a pregna

Please, please talk to your gyno. Something is not right! One thing you did not articulate in here and I am wondering, is this a modern development next to him? If so, then it could be a serious condition and desires to be discovered by your doctor.

I am 12 years old and i want to loss weightiness, but how?

his penis is vey big he shouldn't be putting it all inside you chat to him and tell what you similar to and what you don't meanwhile you have to step to a doctor to see if there have been any desecrate to you vagina.

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