Is it unhealthy to gain your tubes tied?

Is it unhealthy to catch your tubes tied? Does it have any strength defects? Would u recommend it ? and end question. does it hurt?

I'm so stressed out please assist?

You should probably ask a doctor if you're truly serious about this, but I'll dispense you an overview.

Health affects: This is an internal surgery, so it has adjectives the risks of surgery (including death) from the usual complications. It is NOT reversible. Okay, so technically it "is" reversible but there is merely a 30% or so chance of nouns. You should only attain this surgery if you plan on never having children (again). Make sure you produce your eggs first if you do have it, but remember that have a doctor implant an embryo to grasp pregnant is not the same nor as easy/successful as the instinctive way. Tubal ligation (getting your tubes tied) might affect you in the ways explained above - and you'll still hold your period but you newly won't release an egg into your uterus.

Recommended? If this is a decision between a married couple, it is outstandingly recommended that the male acquire a vasectomy instead. A vasectomy involves a tiny incision in the back of the scrotum (ball sack) within which a much smaller tube is severed. This isn't really surgery where you're put underneath - the guy will be awake the whole time near plenty of local anesthetics (pain killers / numbing for the area). The use it's better for the guy to get it is because it is seriously less risky since the doctors aren't going inside the body and within will be virtually no recovery time. A lot of guys don't want to go and get it, but the truth is, more guys get vasectomies than women achieve their tubes tied, and it has no effect on their "manliness" or the amount that they c*m. Also, women who successfully bring a tubal litigation reversed have a much better risk of dying from pregnancy.

My mother got her tubes tied. The object it was her and not my father be because she had high-risk pregnancies where on earth it was severely likely her babies would die. Though my brother and I survived, it be only through bedrest, and single after she lost her first baby and consequently had a miscarriage. She settled to get her tubes tied because she never looked-for to go through that again. Because she be put under, she wasn't awake during the surgery so she never feel pain consequently. I'm sure she felt for a moment bit of discomfort around the stitches/staples afterwards, but she never complained about it.

So, contained by summary, don't get tubal litigation as a form of birth control, but fairly as a means of never EVER getting pregnant (again).

Ladies and mom what do you contemplate of this?

I had a laprascopic tubal 10 years ago. Was painless. No continuing effects other then my inability to hold more children unless I have it reversed.

Swim squad?

unless its wrong. sometimes heatlh effects. and its your choice it will hurt if you tightnen it

Answer me plz?

It is a relatively inevasive procedure. They go within thru the belly button, so the incisions are tiny and barely noticable.

My best friend have it done a few years ago. She only hurt for a couple days(felt approaching a stomach cramp), and that was it.
They use dissolvable stitches.

If you do not want to ever enjoy children, then yes getting your tubes tied isnt a impossible idea. But if your youthful I wouldnt recommend it until your 100% sure.
If you have medical problems that would prevent you from have a healthy pregnancy thats another sense to get them tied.

Good luck.

Just a a samll concern?

it help to prevent unwanted births and it has no strength defects and it doesn't hurt while self done as you will be asleep=you will have to sort sure you have a week to a short time ago lay around as it will be tender for a few days=good luck

In some months i noticed that whenever me & my husband own sex,i feel some discomfort after that?

This is the truth: Disrupting your own menstral cycle forever is NOT biddable for you. I'd rather you click on the interconnect and have them explain. They're better at it than I am.

Can taking mannish fertility drugs cause pregnancy if the womanly is on the birth control pill?

I had my tubes tied and i choice i didnt!! I have REAL desperate cramps now! its worse! merely ask someone!

UTI symptoms after sex on my period?

Technically it's no more ill for you than cutting your curls. The procedure is done under anesthetic, and how much and how doomed to failure the pain is afterwards depends on your headache tolerance. The incisions are done via the belly button, and are usually quite small. Postoperatively most ladies experience some cramping and increased gassiness for a few days afterwards. They don't usually enjoy much pain at the incision sites.
So far as condition problems, there are various women who experience cycle disruptions and heavy period afterwards. Sometimes this will eventually lead them to enjoy hysterectomies, as a means of controlling the excess or calorific bleeding, or the irregularities of the cycle. It is impossible to say beforehand if this will occur to you or not. I'd suggest you discuss this all beside your GYN doctor before you breed your final decision. I've know plentiful women who had tubal ligations, and be happy beside the decision. A open-minded number later opt for hysterectomys due to the cycle changes or stout periods. However, most seem rather philosophical around it, since they still didn't want children and nothing have changed except they no longer had period either. If you seriously don't want to ever be pregnant again, later it is a sound, dependable procedure. Just don't jump into it thinking you can always own it reversed. If you go into it beside the mind that you will never ever get pregnant again, and hold that firmly established in your mind, next no matter what happen afterwards, you will be okay. I did not have it done, but I also started my clan later surrounded by life. By the time the concluding child was born, I be not facing decades of fertility and could use barrier methods until disposition took the inevitable course. Had I been within my early thirtys at the time, though, or have very difficult pregnancies, I judge I would have considered it.

Help extent problems.?

I won't have one, since I enjoy a Mirena IUD and plan on keeping this and having it replaced every 6 yrs or so. I hear many women enjoy bad cramps and increased bleeding after a tubal. Partly this is believed to be related to the certainty that cutting the tubes will grounds a change surrounded by the blood supply from the ovaries, causing hormone fluctuations. Is Mirena an pick for you?

What does it feel similar to for a girl to ejaculate?

I had mine done couple weeks ago and the singular discomfort I had last a appoximately three days. My period come back on shedule a week after the surgery and be normal so far everything have been virtuous more relaxed during sex.

I just unsteadily got my length while on birth control, should i start taking the placebos?

It's not unhealthy.

If you are looking for a unbreakable means of birth control, within is a newer, less invasive procedure... it's call Essure. There is no cutting involved.

Small coils are placed into the fallopian tubes, cause scar tissue to form, hence preventing pregnancy. For 3 months after this is done you must use a back-up form of birth control, and then an HSG is done to engineer sure that the tubes are blocked.

I had this done contained by 12/04. There is some cramping afterwards, but like I said, at hand is no cutting involved, it's smaller quantity invasive than a tubal ligation.

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