Being short is always a backache?

You may think that 5'2 isn't too bleak a height but i still struggle contained by life zilch gets any easier for me.I find shopping for clothes terribly hard and doing my weekly shopping.The products are all stacked too high-ranking and the trolley is a pain to carry things out of as it is too deep.I usually enjoy to stand on the wheel of the trolley and stretch inside to gain the goods at the bottom of the trolley. Sometimes i own to look for someone to reach for things for me. The kitchen shelves are a distress as they should be made slightly lower. I have have an ex boyfriend who was 6'5 that be a joke i used to hold people laughing similar to mad at me.When we tried to kiss and cuddle he be always lifting me upwards. When it be time to leave when we kissed goodbye i have to make sure i be about 5 inches past its sell-by date the ground.I then married a guy who be 5'7 that wasnt too bad contained by height difference.Now he is my ex husband and i return with along better with short guys.

I am a guy. I want to ask a query to all of the girls. Only girls!?

yeh it is tough human being petite.

its good that some retail shops enjoy petite sections and immediately bringing size 4 into their shops.

its not embarrssing to ask for help when u cant realize something.
i always ask for facilitate in shops, even to a customer who is subsequent to me. everyone always passed it down to me. and other willing to intervene something if you ask. its not embarrsing at all.

My husband is 5"7 so he is flawless size for me i suppse. wish he be taller!!
cheer up gyal. its not that bad. near are loads of girls who are smaller than you.
am 5 foot only.

For those of u who enjoy had D&C done?

Try human being a female and hitting 6' when you're just 13. I'd KILL to be 5'2!!

My entire life have been a affliction in the @ss. Men give the impression of being to never be taller than me, and if they are, I only found the jerk. I always get asked if I played basketball and finally resorted to "no motherf*cker I hate basketball!"

I be the first to always obtain asked to reach things up high-ranking, the first to be spotted in class photos, etc. I insufferable it. Oh, and plane rides? OMFG they're completely and utterly suicide for me! I've also had arthritis since I be 14 years old because of my increase. So for almost the last 10 years (I'll be 23 subsequent month) I've never gone a day lacking being contained by pain. My knees nouns like creaking dungeon doors when I tramp upstairs or downstairs or bend my knees.

I'm now 22 and still 6' soaring. It's damn impossible to find pants that look suitable and actually fit. My husband is with the sole purpose 6'1 so I can't ever dress up in a nice double act of high heels or I'd be taller than him... he doesn't mind but I do. So I bring back to see all of these elegant women in these elegant gowns, wearing these beautiful heels... and I'm stuck within boring flats. In case you didn't know, finding lovely flats is nearly impossible. You get them black, brown and white. Ooooh so gorgeous, yeah no!

On the upside, I've well-educated to walk beside pride, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't approaching to be shorter.

I'll gladly trade next to you! :-)

I have be having stomach-ache in my lower gone abdomen nouns?

I'm short (4ft 10)
I used it.
"Oh I can't quite conquer that can you help me" when spoken to a handsome man I found frequently totally effective.
My husband be 6ft 2 . People laughed But I did not trouble because I knew that SEX be fascinating. Work out the different positions.
Dancing be great because he could literally whirl me round the bop floor.
Clothes are a problem

Best machine?

ok here is the article, i am 5 foot 7 and VERY skinny, and i am only 14, close to people guess that i am anorexic skinny. and that is so tough to even find clothes to fit me. you may have troubles getting to the clothes, but i enjoy 2 pairs of jeans and they are starting to get too small. it sucks and my boyfriend is recline 5 ft 2 and that REALLY sucks. every day of my time i have wish that i was shorter, because adjectives of my friends are shorter than me=[ so be happy that you enjoy clothes that fit you and people dont phone call you tall freak or anything approaching that

I think I messed up near the NUVA RINGHELP?

hey im just 5 foot tall .. n i dont touch bad give or take a few it. wear high heeled shoes if u find ur altitude that annoying. also focus on ur best features instead of cribbibg abt ur heigh. it cant be changed now.

Women simply Please! How long is the average period?

well look at it this road your pants will never flood and relatives in the store wont be close to miss can you get that for me. I guess any way you look at it high people want to be shorter and short race want to be taller. i dont like person taller than most people and im almost 5'8. im married to someone who is 5'7 and he have to stand on something in our pictures or the picture will look retarded because itll show me taller than him. at least they can put in that arm around you instead of the opposite. and i other think its more woman like to be shorter instead of extremely high. id fairly look up at people instead of down at population.

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