I have be having dull pain in my lower vanished abdomen nouns?

It hurts! At first I thought I had pulled a muscle, but the backache kept getting worse. It is tender to the touch and the pain comes and go. It has be happening since ultimate night. I am due to start my spell today or tommorrow. I know this is not a cramp, I never get them surrounded by the front. It's the lower left paw side, I took Ibprofin but it didn't do anything. I know people are going to say-so go to the doctor! But I don't enjoy any medical insurance and the only place I would know how to go is the emergency room. Which if it does not progress away or gets worse, I will enjoy to go nearby. But what could this be? I looked up my syptoms on web-md and nothing sounds right.
Anyone ladies have this happen to them?

I only had augmentation surgery. How long since I am as sensitive as I was since?

Actually, yes, it COULD be appendicitis. It usually occurs contained by the right lower quadrant, but it can present on the left, too. It could be a cyst, or a kidney stone, or a moment ago a new benevolent of menstrual cramp. It could be a UTI, or STD, or it could be a number of things.

Do you enjoy a walk-in clinic near you? I would look surrounded by the phone book for any local free/low-cost clinics, or urgent care services, and make a pop in. Call an ask-a-nurse service, and see what they think. (1-800-888-5551 is the one I refer my patients to). If it get to be unbearable, you are probably going to own to go to the emergency room, since you don't enjoy a regular MD.

Good luck.

Are these symptoms related?

Yes, a few times. Of course, I'm not doctor, but for me, it turned out to be stomach-related and went away contained by about 5 days. It ease up in the meantime, though (got better and better, consequently went away). I own a lot of stomach problems, so probably it be trapped air. Here is something you could look at (see website below). See if you own a fever also to rule out possible appendicitis (not to panic you but, you know):


Thing covering vagina?

Maybe a cyst on your ovary? I've heard that's a adjectives thing...That's what it sounds approaching to me. Sometimes you can get anguish like that when you're ovulating, but if you're due for your extent then I would guess it's a cyst. A simple ultrasound can check and see if that's what it is.

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There are free clinics. I would look into them.

My boyfriend is other asking me to buy a douche i tried to tell him that you can simply douche a certain number

Go buy the blue stuff if you deliberate its muscle.

Pain releaf always help.

take a hot shower and dont enjoy a busy, hecktic day.

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i've had something approaching that before. usually it expected i was ovulating but you said you're due to start. you could only just call the doc or er and ask them if they know what it could be. it won't cost anything. get the impression better.

A question? Just Curious Serious Answers Only Please?

Look up epiploic appendagitis (not appendicitis). It's purely one possibility.

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oh hun i suppose i do, well not so sure. i have very strong twinge in my lower right belly area...and sometimes used to turn to the left..resembling hm in my ovarian?idk exactly, it hurted pretty unpromising, i went to the er 4times bcuz of the agony, they told me that i pro had endometriosis/or pid..they put me on some antibiotics for 2weeks and how the anguish didnt go away i have to do an laparoscopy(2WEEKS AGO) it ended up not bn endo. it be my appendix...and some tissue , but i still have the niggle and today i went to my doc and told him that the distress still there but not strong as b4/he told me that it can prob. be something in instestine so in a minute i have another doc to c(4got what is called). hm dont leftovers anytime swttie/i was almost 2months beside pain/ just progress to the ER adn then u apply for the charity thoroughness. GOOD luck.
ps: or maybe it can b an ovarian cyst.

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bob said: "See if you have a confusion also to rule out possible appendicitis (not to scare you but, you know)"

My mom have her appendix removed and in adjectives honesty, she dind't have any cramp what-so-ever and the dr missed it durning her physical... then adjectives of a sudden she was on her hand and knees in tears... it turned out that her appendix be perforated (she have to have surgery right away)....
I realise you don't enjoy medical insurance but I would suggest if it doesn't get any better by following tonight, go to the hospital tomorrow morning and bring checked out or a walk within clinic.
When you say medical insurance, I enjoy to assume you're located in the states.... I live within Ontario Canada and here you have elected representatives coverage ($x amount per year)...

Good luck and I hope it's nothing serious


Don't listen to anyone who say it might be appendicitis. With that, its so painful you can't step and you puke everytime you move, trust me, I've had mine removed. That, and its on your right side.

See a gyno, you may enjoy a cyst on your overy and it may need some in a hurry attention

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First of all the appendix is within the RIGHT side of the abdomen, so that could not be it. that nice of pain could be cause by any one of the organs in near being inflamed. the chance though, is that u have a cyst. i have the misfortune of having alike ongoing pain dance on for about a month, from severe to not quite noticeable, but most backache was close the period. it turned out that i have had a cyst. it ruptured but heal but my doc found that i had a couple of them on my ovaries. theyre really not serious but u own to find out for sure. just step to the er and say you enjoy BAD pain. they hold to do an ultrasound. i dont know if they will charge u but there is something that can be worked dout im sure. perfect luck.

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