When do you start getting a 'crack' surrounded by your boobs?

I've only had my time since October 07 if it matters, but right now i fit into a 34C at american eagle and 36B at victoria's stealthy. you can only really see my cleavage now when i bend down or turn to the side, but i've notice some people have in recent times like that constant cleavage no matter what, close to this girl-
i just turned 14 in demonstration, and my breasts are still like cone shaped when i turn to the side.

how long until i get that features of cleavage?

sorry for the weird question

Is this majority?

That picture looks resembling it was taken from above. If you want clevage like that you should look for a push up bra. My doctor told me that girls stop growing two years after their term begins. BUT if you put on a lot of counterweight your breasts will grow along with your waist. Cleavage like that can be overrated anyways- contained by the summer it's not fun having sweaty breasts that stick together. But if you insist on having cleavage try to find a really correct push up bra.
Look at your mother and aunts and grandmother, you will most likely turn out to be around their breast size.
Good luck.

Your belief: Girls lone?

If you have constant cleavage, it's any your bra squishing your boobs together, or you have breast implants.
If you want the cleavage, of late wear a bra that will give you that.
Everyone has different shaped breasts. Some are similar to pears, some apples, some cones.

Yaz and boob growth?

How could you have only have your period since October 07 and yet you're 8 months pregnant?

Do you catch breast cancer by not wash your bra ?

I deduce it different for everybody. I am small breasted and 16.

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