FOR MATURE Ladies only, in the order of Premarin ?

I have taken premarin hormones for 18 years since have a total hysterectomy. I have never have a problem with it. I hold mammograms once a year. My dr. is trying to get me to bring back off of it & I get the impression horrible. I know all of the risks but I sure can`t bear feeling similar to this. There is no breast cancer in my own flesh and blood. I am in such a rotten mood & discern like I am going to drop out a window. Every clamour sets me off.
If any smart as*'s consider of answering with a be determined answer "I WILL REPORT YOU" !!!

I just pierced my own ear wat r some of the risks??

I have a hysterectomy at 29, started early menopause around 38 and have be on Premarin 18 years. I've tried coming off of it near bad results, penny-pinching and hot flashes from hell....night sweats to soak sheets. Have tried black cohosh and other herbal remedies no indisputable help...sorry to read aloud. I also have no familial history of breast cancer and feel it should be my choice to verbs with the med. Wish I could seize off of it but would a bit stick with it than be miserable. I realize this didn't endow with you an answer but you have my empathy. I will monitor this cross-question in hopes someone will come up beside a solution. :)

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I've been on Premarin for 12 years myself. My doctor have warned me in the order of the possibilities of breast cancer and strokes, and I think it should be a woman's choice if she requirements to take those risks. I've tried going rotten Premarin, and I soooo know what you mean ... it's a living hell. I've chosen to verbs taking the medication.

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Have you thought more or less herbal remedies? Black cohosh is one that is great for hot flashes. It isn't that expensive and is available over the counter at Walmart and most drug stores. There are other herb too that can help. I did a explore for you using 3 words: herbal menopause remedies. Check them out from the site below and you should find something to help you gain through the transition.

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I suggest you see an endocrinologist (or a reproductive endocrinologist) and gain some BIO-IDENTICAL hormone replacement. These are not chemical pills like Premarin, these are from a special compounding pharmacy, usually prescribed in a cream form. If you can't find a endocrinologist or compounding pharmacy, some resources are here:

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Wow, to be precise a really really long time to be on hormone replacement therapy. Your doctor is correct,you should be stale of them,try an over the counter hormone, such as Estroven. Walmart's version is call Estrablend. I take this to control hot flashes,irritability and other menopausal symptoms. I too have a complete hysterectomy when I was 27,endometriosis) I took Premarin in the first year or two,after that,we reduced the amount of hormones until I in recent times use the over the counter stuff. I would seriously give the Estroven a uncertainty, hormone replacement therapy is a incredibly complex and difficult thing to control,but you entail to remember also,that your moods may be from depression and not from the weaning off of the Premarin. Good luck. Oh, by the opening, I am 50 now.........we must hold been around matching age when this happened.

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