I'm really stressed and found my mom's zoloft it expired last month can i take it?


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HELL NO first past its sell-by date you dont nick someone elses prescribed medication and second zoloft is for depression and not for individual stressed out.

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NO! Absolutely not.

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Firstly, don't EVER thieve someone else's prescribed medication. Secondly, don't ever nick someone else's EXPIRED prescribed medication.

Girls singular query give or take a few my u no wut.?

Please don't whip your mom's (or anyone else's) medication. If you are have anxiety or depression symptoms, speak to your parents. They can get hold of you the medical relieve you necessitate, which may or may not be an antidepressant. Taking anothers' medication can be totally insecure.

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First stale, you should never transport somebody else's tablets. Second, Zoloft take weeks to build up within your body and enjoy a positive effect, so taking it once wouldn't facilitate you.

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Couple of push button words here that should signal to you NO- first it's Mom's zoloft, not yours. Not prescribed for you, and would be breaking a couple law to pocket it. And secondly. expired. Expired drugs are not out of danger, even if they occur to be yours. There's no promise they contain the amount of drug advertise, and may enjoy become something hazardous to your down. If you be aware of stressed, find a better outlet to destress than trying to find a cure in the drug cabinet. Go work out, avoid the stressor, walk chill contained by the pool, shift out beside some friends, move about to an amusement park, step to a funny movie. And if you really mull over the situation wants drugs for you to pedal it, jump see the doctor for your own prescription.

Periods-2x contained by one month>?

nope, you must not steal it, it is unquestionably expired and it resources you must not run it...

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NO. Suprisingly, seriously of associates don't settle up attention to expiration date.

Many times, when drugs are expired it doesn't necessarily imply that the style they work stops. It manner it can work surrounded by OTHER, HARMFUL ways. Side effects can be heightened, and sometimes the humiliation of chemicals contained by the pill itself can possibly do things to you that will trademark you worse rotten than where on earth you started. The strength of the dosage is also something historic. Body freight and size is not the single push button factor within taking an unknown pill. If you're a diabetic and your mother is not, or if your mother have dignified cholesterol and you don't, it would be a disastrous concept to hold her pills. Pharmacists are a vertebrae up to doctor's prescriptions. They cross check a forgiving's pills to cause sure they won't take action to one another. Don't ever bring someone else's medication, and you shouldn't cart expired drug any. There's a common sense the pill have an expiration date on it, it's not near to fashion the pharmaceutical company to "look good".

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no you should run see your doctor and put in the picture him what the problem is and he will provide the proper medication for you if its vital. But you shouldnt run anyones prescribed medication make happen you could enjoy a doomed to failure impulse to it. And if your really stressed help yourself to a peice of dissertation and write it out and after throw it away.Write everything down. Or cry. crying is a accurate stress reliever, or screech. Or rumba around and sing in your undies. Or better but work out and relieve stress...sex can be an alternative.

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where did u find it? the fridge? check out the colour, --------second thought, no , don't bear expired medication

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You want to shift bargain to a doctor and they can help out you find a prescription that will work near you and your body chemistry. Never ever rob someone elses medication. Seriously, the wrong meds can clear you suicidal, and turn you into a completely different human being. It's highly unsafe. Take a Tylenol PM and catch some apt sleep. A moral cry other help too, so possibly merely try watching a sappy movie and have a upright cry! Good luck!

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Mom's zoloft may not be suitable for you. Would be merely similar to using ilegal drugs. You never know what your antipathy to this drug would be. Best dance see the doctor and bargain it over beside her/him. Rather be not dangerous than sorry.
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