I merely get my time of year what should i do ?

ok so i woke up and went to the bathroom and i saw blood on my underwear i called my mom she said put a wipe on , already put one on .What does a period do to you when will it happen again , i necessitate help please tell me everything in the region of a period and what it does and what happens to you plz

Answers:    The same piece happened to me! Calm down. Everything will be ok. It's normal to discern scared. Every girl is different. You might experience cramps, bloating, headaches, mood swings, and loss of appetite. No one know exactly when you will have your next length. It might be irregular during the first year or two.

As for me, I'm 12 and got my period on May 30. It be light and lasted soon. My second one was in July 15. (Two months away, it's so irregular and unpredictable!) It last for ten days!

You can still do whatever you want when you have your extent.

During my period:
I get cramps contained by my lower back and abdomen.
Moodiness, inkling blue, and sad.
4 things:
Don't swim during your period. You inevitability a tampon. You can start using one during your second period

Drink water and avoid briny foods. You might feel bloated because of water retention. Drinking more wet will slow down the retention

Take a warm bath. They can stop those annoyng cramps.

Do what you want! Your time of year means that your body is healthy and functioning properly. Celebrate it. Go shopping, create a home spa, ride your bike, etc.

These links might aid:


You'll find a period predictor that might help like mad.

Good luck!.
If it your first time calm down its ok.

I started my first time on the last daytime of school with white pant on, just be glad that didn't happen to you.

Periods largely will make you a bit moody and more lets say-so "Short fused."

Just make sure to keep it verbs down there and mark your calendar to see how long your length lasts.

It usually lasts 5-10 days.

You might be a bit crampy or nausis merely take some midol and lay down.

You will notice a alter in the way you achievement, also you might become more self conscious.

To answer you question on when it will come back im not exactly sure everybodys diffrent, but mine in recent times came back for the second time and it be 60 days of not knowing when I was going to start again.

It usually takes a year for your body to regulate.

But when that happen the time between your periods will be about 28 days from the first time you start to the next time you start.

P.S. When you sneeze blood will come out so don't freak out.

P.S.S. I n the morning when you first wake up sometimes adjectives the blood will rush out so hurry to the bathroom. And use a night pad, they might be big and unconfortable but when you staIn you hours of darkness clothes you will regret it. ( I know it happened this morning)

Hope I helped, because I know how you grain..
your mother should really be the one to tell you but its a way of existence youll be fine it..In the female reproductive system, the menstrual cycle is a recurring cycle of physiologic change that occurs in reproductive-age females. Overt menstruation (where within is blood flow from the vagina) occurs primarily in humans and close evolutionary relatives such as chimpanzees.[1] The females of other species of placental mammal hold estrous cycles, in which the endometrium is completely reabsorbed by the animal (covert menstruation) at the end of its reproductive cycle. This article concentrates on the menstrual cycle as it occur in human beings.

The menstrual cycle is under the control of the hormone system and is mandatory for reproduction. Menstrual cycles are counted from the first day of menstrual flow, because the onset of menstruation corresponds closely beside the hormonal cycle. The menstrual cycle may be divided into several phases, and the length of each phase vary from woman to woman and cycle to cycle.

just wear the pad youll be fine translation it often like 5 times a hours of daylight or so depending on how bad your bleeding...it will happen evern month..greeting to life!it sucks...im on birth control so i dont get it...relax and soak up the pain...srry...but your becoming more of a women so..congrats i guess?? if the pain is really unpromising tho take advil aleve or motrin something like that it should serve but not much..your mom will talk to you about everything when she comes home.
O.k your extent should last for about 7 days more or less a week sometimes it can be longer then this or shorter. You should also be noticing underarm spine, and pubic hair (the color of your hair will probably be pretty foggy, sometimes red heads get red spike down there ... but I'm a blond and got see dark brown hair) Also you will notice that you are sweating a great deal more then usual. You also will be getting very moody, simply warning you. You will also get cramps (I HATE that the most around the whole period thing). And if you own any other questions I advise you to chat with your mom when it is only the two of you. The common sense we have a period is because every month an egg comes surrounded by to the uterus so if a sperm meets it on the way in that, it can form into a baby. Which then can become a pregnancy. But if in that is no sperm there then the egg only just sits on the wall of the uterus and after a while it will flush out and along with it will be the lining of the uterus. A spell, on a normal basis, comes once a month. Once you receive your first period, the first year, more or less, can be generous of wacky. In other words, it could be there one month, and won't come back for another two or more. Or it could come twice surrounded by one month. The reason for it be irregular sometimes is because your body is just starting to go and get used to such a big change. During your periods you could carry moody, pimples, cramps, and much more. Cramps are from your uterus contracting to get the lining and such out, some women achieve cramps, and some don't. Also, periods can last 3-8 days usually. Your first few perchance very short, or pretty long. It just depends. That's adjectives that I can think of to tell you for in a minute, if you'd like to e-mail me with any other question about anything, feel free to! Just click on my picture or dub to the left, and there should be a join to e-mail me.

Best of luck and congratulations!.
A period usually lasts give or take a few 3-7 days that time is called "your week"
You have your extent every month.
But if you really want information..
Your mom is the best place to go!!
and dont worry it happen to EVERY girl!!
it just means that very soon, you can have a baby.
But since you dont own sex the preperation for the baby has to catch out of your system.
your period!!.
Well I'm seventeen and I've had my length since I was eleven. Just relax. You don't have to use tampons if you don't want to. If you carry cramps take Advil or any other pain medication beside ibuprofen. Tylenol does not work very good for cramps. I catch my period once a month for two or three days. But some women can have theirs for up to ten days. Don't verbs about what is normal when it comes to your extent because everyones period is different. Good luck and if you have any more question ask your mom or an older sister, family friend etc. Or buy a book on the subject to inform yourself in the order of it more. Ok well your period happen every 20-28 days. You start counting from the day it starts. Since you just get yours it may not be regular so it may occur earlier or subsequent than you expect. It can take years for your period to become regular be sure to pass a purse with you at all times next to your pads or tampons, whichever you use, so you have them when needed.
Having your term just means you are at the point where on earth you can reproduce (or get pregnant). If you want to know more go to http://www.avert.org/puberty2.htm.
its regular for u every girl and women
just wear a pad until it get over it should last like 5 days and it will come every month so save track of what day u get and the hours of daylight it stops so by next month u know when ur going to be getting it again
i freaked out the first time i got mine another article is u will craps in ur stomach from having ur extent tell ur mom to buy u some craps pills u can buy it at walgreen any where really it something ur going to enjoy for the rest of ur life until u get elderly .
aw ur growing up! thats what it means, also. u will get your length every month. and if you have a boyfriend try not to have sex beside out protection because u can get pregnat. i know ur a too young to even be have sex but im just letting you know that when u have your interval, u can get pregnat. also in ur length u will be cranky, and ur going to have painful cramps. midol is a fitting pill to calm them down,. try not to use tampons right now because they can be really precarious, especially if your a virgen. ok well thats all i can convey u about periods.. u should ask your mom for more information. Your term will last anywhere between 3 days to a week. Every month, normally you should return with it. When you first start getting your period, it will come less frequently consequently every month, maybe every month and a half or so, but when your body develops a cycle, you should catch your period every month on almost the same year each time. .
Ok well progress the pad whenever you feel it get full...like every 4 hours? Maybe less conceivably more? You will get the hang of it. sometimes you might grasp cramps or a headache but nothing to servere, if it gets mortified then take an ibprofen or tylenol. there's really not much to it, it last 5-9 days but its your first one so its probably light and will not last long Congratulations and reaction to the wonderful world of womanhood :)

Ok, so you got your period presently what? Well, here is a link and it should help you. Having a extent is a very complicated matter but I hope this will help out you.. No need to worry... It's your body unfolding you "you are normal, very normal"


resourcefully it happpens once every 28ish days. So you can use tampons or pads. It makes you crave chocolate and stuff resembling that. It can make ur stomach feel sore but you hold to work through it. If you feel ill next take a deep breath surrounded by through your nose and out through your mouth. Drink loads of water.

To be honest you grain **** during your period but take neurofen and you will draw from used to it. Its just saying your body is working powerfully.

Any more questions dont hesitate to contact me.
very well youll be getting it every month around the same day every month.

.As for me i get my last month's on the 3rd. this month on the 2nd.So you see you gotta be prepared so u wont get any "accident "in public
You need to ask your mother and do some reading. Do they not train this in biology any more. The web site below explains the process roughly speaking your body changes, etc. A regular period comes every 4 weeks, but that can rise and fall also. http://www.answers.com/topic/menarche

everything you need to know about your first length but are afraid to ask your mom..
goo to google or yahoo and type in period or frist term it will tell u everything?? wen u have period u can get pregnat and aldat just read it??????????CONGRATULATION it cleans out you insides it anit fruitless ever girls has it its come for about 5-6 days surrounded by come ever 28 days evertime u use the bathroom u have to change ur wipe .
u get cramps, angry, sad, tired, and u only feel crappy! oh it lasts 3-8days once a month!

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