My daughter is about 5'5 and weights 112, is that overweight or underweight, or even contained by the middle?


Facts about a miscarriage?

she's underweight for a time, but if she has basically gone through a growth spurt, she may still need to spread in

a righteous way to consider a healthy counterweight for girls is -- at 5', a girl should be about 100 pounds, next for each extra inch, add 5 pounds....

The HPV shots i stipulation your help!?

That is an ok immensity for her height. I expect she should probably weigh just a bit more but if she is consumption healthy and have no other problems I wouldn't worry roughly it.

Is there any approach to loose weight confidently in 2 days?

underweight.. by alot.

Please HELP!!?

That`s a fine weight NO WORRIES

Is something wrong?

I would consider that is low consignment. I am 5'6' and 130 is my perfect bulk, of course I weigh 142 because adjectives my clothes are fitting. If she is active I wouldn't verbs. You can get online and find out idyllic weight for women/children/men. Again it depends does it look upright on her or does she appear too thin. I can't see her so you'll enjoy to decide.

Another cross-examine.?

Normal weight for 5' 5" is 125-135 You be the arbiter

Is it bad to cross your legs?

as per a body mass index calcualtor she is borderline "ordinary weight"

but myself being almost indistinguishable weight and freshly 2" taller, it says I am underweight.

Mono question?

I'm 19 and 5'. I weigh about 117. I'm for a while overweight but healthy. I would estimate that weight is fine.

Why is more pubescent girls?

kind of underweight she should be like 130 pounds.. or even alittle bit more

Thining hairteens?

Shes kinda underweight

One daytime period pregnant? Miscarriage? cramps! HELP!?

I believe its a tad underweight. I'm 5'4 and weigh 124, which is average for my age and height. At my doctors department they have a chart right subsequent to the scale and it tell you what the average is.

Ladies..What do you think something like Nuvaring..?

She's underweight... by quite a bit. It could depend on her frame size, but only FYI... she's below the healthy field.

I'm also 5'5" & my perfect bulk is around 125.

What are the methods to stop hair falling?i obligation herbal tips to solve this?

thats per fect weight i hope al theese nation stop worrying about near weight
its a paun surrounded by the assssss theese dayzz

Contraceptive injection?

this is a little underweight but not hideously

I don't know what's wrong with my breasts!?

hey bmi is 18.6 and her mass range should be 98-145 pounds she is merely fine she is healthy

I attend alanon, for the finishing 3 months i feel it help to a certain even?

She is a little bit underweight, but close to what would be an average weight if she put on a few pounds.

Can you own a bloody discharge or feel resembling you having one or smell it when you are contained by menopause?

I think that's fine!

Why am I not growing? Do I own hormone problems?

im 5'2 and weigh 112
and im pretty small

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