
At what age should a teenage girl start going to the gynocologist? My daughter is almost 16 and her grandmother have cervical cancer. That's been the solely known instance of cancer in the inherited. I don't beleive she is sexually active. When should she start going for her every twelve months checkups?

~Once more, a question roughly speaking feminine things~?

You could take her in a minute, but since there is solely the one incidence of cervical cancer she's not really in a high risk category even so. I assume the cancer occured when her grandmother was elder. If your daughter isn't sexually active the exam and smear might be highly difficult to do- not impossible, but not as easy. However, the first exam is other the toughest, and it would be easier for her if you were within to lend support. The best person to whip this up with would be your gynecologist, to see what he/she recommend and thinks. Then you inevitability to broach the subject with your daughter. Explain the reason, and definitely mention it's not because you presume she is sexually active. Although if she is, or have been, she may or may not share you. Not that it's the issue here, but the doctor may want to speak with her short you present, just so she/he can carry the truth without the pressure or terror. If she is active, she desires protection- regardless of how you feel something like it all I'm sure you'd fairly she be safe than sorry. Women usually don't necessitate annual pap smears until they become sexually active, or are long-gone 18 as a rule, unless they have other problems. So far as the history of cervical cancer, you necessitate to get as much info give or take a few that as you can, including the stage and the treatment she got, and her age when it be detected. If she was elder, then it doesn't pose as much risk as if she be very young at heart when it happened. I took my eldest daughter when she turned 18, so the first trip could be for a while less stressful. That be the recommendation the doctor give me. We have a history of fibroids and other gynecological problems, and although I don't enjoy any, it's something she needed to know how to deal near as well. I didn't want her mortal afraid to go surrounded by the future, any more than I considered necessary her being afraid of the doctor or dentist when she be younger, so I went along only like I did for adjectives those other exams. The doctor was outstandingly good, highly gentle and she also get instruction on self breast exams as well. Since it wasn't traumatic for her, she have no reason to dread the annual checkup in a minute. It's become another no-brainer, just resembling the trip to the dentist, which is how I wanted it to be for her.

Is it wrong for teens to look at porn?

since she is "at risk" ego say anywhere from 16-18. adjectives girls should havea pap swear at though.

Are nipples discharge some sort of yellow gelatinous liquid occasionally surrounded by a little amount typical ?

She should go at 18 until that time going off to college, and sooner if she desires contraception.
Cervical cancer is an STD (sorry Grandma...) caused by the HPV virus, and is not transmitted genetically. No necessitate for your daughter to have a pap smear until she is 21. If she get exposed to the HPV virus, her immune system will clear it, as long as she does not smoke. She should use a condom when does become sexually active.

I call for some info about toxic shock syndrome!?

As they can't do a pap smear until she have lost her verginity it's a hard telephone.

They may be able to trial for cervical cancer another way resembling a blood test.

But near are other tests that she should be getting as soon as she starts her menstral cycle. The pap smear should dally until she is no longer a vergin.

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