When does a womanly teen stops growing?

cuz i'm 5'3 and i want to be taller i'm 15 btw

Can i trim down my breast size?

you will be pretty much your adult size at 18-19 but you may add a tiny bit until you are 25 which is when empire stop growing completely

Is this commonplace?

Well I was told it was 18 for girls and 21 for boys. So you've get 3 long years to grow.
Play basket ball, own you noticed that bball players are all taller than average? Give it a try, you never know.

Question roughly discharge?

why do you want to grow so fruitless. your only 15 you got your intact life ahead, your a nice height, im 17 and im 5'3 get my period when i was 10 going on 11

Whats wrong near me?

They vote you stop around 16 yrs. I kept growing until I was about 19, though. Everyone is different.

33 year elderly womanly tubes tied 12years ago. Past 3 months neutral spotting period next to a clear discharge?

You going to be short adjectives your life shorty LOL

Can u narrate me if this is usual?

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Which wad?
  • I deem i should know..
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