Can I skip my last week of Yasmin birth control and step onto the next pack for no extent?

I want to not get my time of year this month and have be on the birth control YASMIN for about 7 months. I have heard that you can skip the final week of the pills, and start a new pack straight away and skip your period. A few question though...
Is it pretty much guaranteed to work? Meaning, will I spot?
Will the next one come 28 days from when this on should enjoy started?
Will I get sick during the week if I skip it?
Does the birth control aspect of it still work effectively?
Also, any information you could transmit me about doing this would be terrific...especially if you've done it formerly...thanks!

Women just please?

Of course you know the responsible answer is" talk to your doctor". Almost every page on the Yasmin pattern site says "ask your doctor around Yasmin". I am not a doctor, and even if i was I don't know your history. But I do know that what you are asking can, and is done near some pills (i don't know about Yasmin) for some women, in need problems, your doctor will know if it is right for you. I know if you wanted to have a chat to your doctor you wouldn't be asking here,, but "talk to your doctor" really is the responsible answer.

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Yes you can do this to skip your spell, but it can cause spotting. Your subsequent period should come when you procure on your last week of pill from the tentative pack as normal. This still works as potent birth control. Many people do this when they own a time they don't want to be on their period (spring break, weddings, etc). You shouldn't catch sick...maybe a moment or two nausea, but not sick. Yes this works. I haven't done it, but I am a med. student, so I've studied it.

EDIT: I don't know how the people below me suppose that they can get pregnant by doing this. Birth control works to trademark your body already think it's pregnant, so the hormones will not release another egg. Maybe Rhonda be missing pills and doubling up or something, but you can't get pregnant by starting a unusual pack of pills. And to the girl who thinks it's "unclean"...she'll attain her period at the extremity of the new's not different than taking the seasonal birth control which give you fewer period in a year. It's the EXACT same item...Seasonal just skips the "reminder" pills and starts next to more hormone pills so you skip your period.

How long should a woman be on birth control pills for?

It's never a honest idea to skip a week, I did that roughly speaking 3 months ago and now I'm pregnant to my ex and its really not right

I had sex on sunday and my boyfriends sperm is coming out slowly am I pregnant?

you're playing around next to your routine if you do that=it isn't to your advantage to do this =you will mess things up and the regular days will step wacky=you could possibly even end up pregnant=hope this have been of some relieve

Whenever im going through my period, i other feel completely depressed and very fruitless about myself. is this regular?

no you shouldn't . when you have a length it cleans out all the extra fritter away it has built up. its not full-bodied

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I recently read a great deal of information regarding this because I freshly switched to taking Yasmin. Sometimes women need a break from their time of year. I myself wouldn't suggest doing it all the time but it is totally risk-free to do. Your supposed to skip the placebo's and go straight to the unusual pack. As a matter of certainty I think I might hold either read it within the Yasmin brochure or it was surrounded by Self Magazine, I can't remember. It doesn't take away the affects of the birth control, it's still 99% guaranteed to prevent pregnancy. You won't take sick, spotting sometimes occurs but not for everyone. It's worth a try. You're spell should come the next time around when your on the white pills again if you thieve them.

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