Cause of extra body hairness?

I have sticky hair surrounded by armpit and between leg. Also some hairs on arms, legs, and little ons facade. I am made fun of because of this. Is there somethings that would raison d`être much hairs?


Everyone have body hair, Its merely light skinned, blond haired peoples hair is blond and not as gelatinous.. therefor you don't see it as often, whereas Dark skinned shadowy haired people tend to own dark tresses, and it is usually thicker too, there for the dimness hair is within the same place as it is on the street light haired person, (i.e. on the obverse, arms, etc) its just more apparent and tends to show up faster in natural life on dark skinned , dimness haired people. DD

Basically.. Its your parents breakdown!... lol

How do most men prefer a womans pubic area to look(hair)?

yeah, your genes

Girls single!! Who are not virgens.?


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genetics. probably nil u can do, cept shave it.

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not really is just your dna is too stroong near the cell for her well I recomend that you achieve a good memebership contained by a spa where they own wax it would let you smooth nice cute and close to baby butt

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you obligation to shave more, it will help and no-one laughs at a shaved.........uh hum

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genetics and hormones would produce it...

i would just shave the marked areas reguarly if it is bothering you so much...i am guessing that you are young...within a few years, you may want to go to a spike removal place and see what they have to vote...they should know what they are talking roughly and should be able to recommend the best treatment for you.

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Excess hair (hirsutism) surrounded by women often appears within the places where men hold body hair, such as the upper lip and chin, the chest (including around the nipples), the tops of the shoulders and the lower tummy. The excess hair is usually coarse and grey (different from the fine hair that some women hold on their upper lip, chin, breasts and stomach). The hairs also grow longer than regular so, for example, hairs on the upper lip may grow to 1 cm long instead of remaining short, fine and event.

Reasons for excess hair
Extra-responsiveness to hormones. Women often verbs that hairiness means that they hold male hormones and are not fully feminine. In fact, adjectives women have a small amount of the ‘male’ hormone, testosterone, circulating in their bodies. It is produced basically by the adrenal glands, which are situated over the kidneys. If the skin is extra-responsive to it, testosterone encourages hackle growth on the upper lip, chin, chest, lower abdomen. The hormone level are normal; the problem is that the skin is too responsive to testosterone. Women next to this problem gradually develop more body hackle from puberty until the menopause, after which the amount of body hair slowly lessen – except for facial hair, which continues to increase.

There are frequent reasons for this extra-responsiveness to everyday amounts of testosterone.

* Often, it is inherited; your mother or aunts may enjoy had matching problem.
* Some drugs can be responsible, particularly phenobarbitone and phenytoin taken to control epilepsy. Long-term steroids (taken for conditions such as arthritis or inflammatory bowel disease) and ciclosporin (taken for psoriasis, dermatitis or arthritis) can also produce extra hair growth.

I am on birth control pills and if I don't chomp through enough I gain dizzy and headaches- can you please help?

It's purely in your genes. It's awfully normal. Alot of girls own that problem. If I were you I wouldn't shave my facade. If you have hair on your face any wax or pluck them. Just shave the hair underneath your arms and between your legs... every girl has that pretty much. If you hold black hairs on your arms and its gelatinous... maybe consider going somewhere and getting it wax. My sister use to shave her arms and it would get really prickly. So you CAN do that but would obligation to keep the prickle down. Don't sweat it though, alot of women business deal with this. Its of late a pain is adjectives. Good luck though. :-)

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you genes hun cant do nuthin bout it....
im italian i know how u feel

I'm going for my first pelvic exam soon what can i expect?

There is a genetic disorder that can incentive this but it's so extremely rare that it's fairly unlikely the cause . Dark down and skin tones may just formulate them show up more than some ladies that's all , though I wouldn't discount your difficulty near this of course . You appear to be a massively pretty young woman I would sooner think spite would more likely be the rationale of teasing . It will be a inconvenience but if you basically tend to it more often it may sustain , though being a guy I know much easier said than done . Anyway honest luck , your a very pretty female and don't let anyone convince you otherwise : )

Could this be TSS?

If you also own irregular periods, you should be checked for polycystic ovaries. This can basis excess hair.

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