Could this be TSS?

The last tampon i have in be about 4 days recovering from a miscarriage, i own a sunburn-looking rash on my frontage and arms, not sure about a confusion, because the rash is massively hot to touch, so i feel flushed a bit lightheaded, some diarrhea (sorry if TMI)...achy...but as much as ive read about how serious TSS is, i dont quality super sick, kind of approaching a flu, but with this imprudent...considering i was using tampons a few days ago, would this construct sense? I thought i would be feeling approaching death if i have TSS...should i go contained by to the ER?

White stretch marks?

you own some of the symptoms of TSS..the rash and lighteheadness

Question roughly speaking after childbirth?

it's unlikely that you have tss. assuming, unsurprisingly, that you took that tampon out four days ago. however, you may want to make a doctor's appt. anyway. it may be a complication related to your miscarriage.

I be supposed to have my period on the 8th but?

could be. You should go to your doctor only to make sure it isn't. You enjoy some of the signs, and I dont think its worth it to continue until you "feel resembling death". You could also have an infection from the recent miscarriage (sorry by the way) Better to be locked than sorry. Go to the doc asap.

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