What's it call?

I have a friend whi is exhibiting these behaviors but it doesn't come across to fit any classic eating disorder. Here are her symptoms, can you report me what she has?

-Intense misgivings of gaining weight
-Obsession beside losing weight
-Not eating, or eatiing extremely little (only when no one is watching)
-Misuse of enemas

She doesn't exercise that much (doesn't really own a place to), but started this behavior about 1-2 weeks ago because her husband is a shake who keeps describing her she's fat and comparing her to other women.

If she keep this up, what will happen to her? Will she loose the counterweight she wants? And is here anything I can do to help? I'm startled she's gonna hurt herself.

Me and this guy?

She probably has anorexia nervosa. It is an ingestion disorder that causes a girl to starve herself. To control her immensity, she becomes stuck with ways to avoid food. She may even develop special rituals for how to chomp through, in demand to eat as little as possible. As she get thinner and thinner, she begins to enjoy serious medical problems. She can even lose so much weight that she literally starves to loss. An anorexic girl may:

-refuse to eat, or devour only small amounts
-eat one and only "safe" foods-foods low in calories and fat
-play beside her food or cut it up to make it look eaten
-exercise constantly
-wear amorphous clothes because she's convinced she doesn't look good within anything else.

Tell your friend all of this and some more:
Instead of focusing on the amount you munch through, focus on choosing nutritious, good-tasting foods and let yourself relish eating them! Get regular exercise surrounded by activities you find fun. Above adjectives, remember that no one desires a perfect body to hold a wonderful life.

Sorry if I wrote too much. I hope my recommend helps!

Question for the ladies?

it's call: her man is an as.shole.

Period changing?!?!?

See every intake disorder cannot be classified!As a result you are unable to let somebody know which eating disorder she have.....but she definately has an intake disorder.....as you know eating disorders are mental disorders......you must cart her to a psychiatrist...who would give her some pills which lessen the urge to guzzle less....

Heres something something like enema misuse:
Laxatives: Used to combat constipation (and sometimes overused, producing diarrhea). The word “laxative” comes from the Latin “laxare” meaning “to sympathetic, widen, extend, release.”

Laxatives are used to relieve occasional constipation. There are currently numerous and a range of kinds of laxatives and are widely available at any local drug store or pharmacy. Sadly laxatives are frequently advertise with little or no mention of short or long possession side effects laxatives can cause. Many folks take them lacking sufficient information. Prolonged use of laxatives, especially stimulant laxatives such as cascara, senna (sennosides) and bisacodyl, intensifies and perpetuates the condition for which they are used. The bowel becomes atonic and dependency is established. Overuse may incentive electrolyte disturbances with symptoms of vomiting and muscle impediment. When it comes to the issue of eating disorders, laxative foul language seems to pinch on a whole tentative meaning. If you are suffering from an ingestion disorder and abusing laxatives or know someone who is, I uplift to stay and read this page.

Laxative Abuse & Eating Disorders

The overuse of laxatives is dangerous. People near eating disorders use laxatives as a instrument of ridding their body of unwanted calories and promoting weight loss. They also treat roughly laxatives because they are constipated as the small amounts of food they allow themselves does not provide enough to stimulate regular bowel movements. Those near eating disorder may lug one laxative, two or even the entire box for one dosage. Many individuals have spent hours within the bathroom suffering the ill effects of laxatives. The effects can be tight and even lead to departure. Laxatives artificially stimulate the large bowel to unfurnished and this is after the food and calories have be absorbed into the body. Those who transport laxatives are only encouraging their body to lose hose down and nothing else. Weight loss may be notice but this is temporary as the counterweight will return as the body rehydrates itself of water loss. The small intestine where on earth food is digested and where nutrients and calories are gripped cannot be stimulated by laxatives or even enemas. Once the water loss have taken place, it can lead the body to retain hose down leaving the personality feeling even more bloating. In some cases, individuals clutch even more laxatives as a way to relieve the dampen retention and bloating they feel. In summary, Eating disorder sufferers frequently knock about laxatives believing these medications will rationale weight loss. This is not true as by the time a laxative take effect all the caloric content of food have been enthralled. All laxatives do is reduce fluid level within the body by inducing severe diarrhea. The misuse of laxatives and enemas can rationale serious and sometimes irreversible damage.

Laxative maltreat can also be a warning sign that a loved is suffering from an consumption disorder.

The Dangers

There are many short and long possession effects that laxatives can have on the body. Below are purely a few but this list is not restricted.

Upset Of Your Electrolyte Balance: Electrolytes are minerals like potassium and sodium that are dissolved surrounded by the blood and other body fluids. They must be present in terrifically specific amounts for proper functioning of nerves and muscles, including the heart muscle. If laxatives and enemas upset this balance, it can result surrounded by tremors, muscle cramps and spasms. In some cases cardiac arrest (heart attack). The heart stops and unless the person receive immediate
emergency medical treatment the individual will die. Vomiting can also be a culprit in upsetting this balance.

Dehydration: Laxatives and enemas remove required fluids from the body resulting in mild or severe dehydration. Dehydration can front to weakness, blurry delusion, fainting spells, tremors, kidney wreck and in some cases can result within death. Severe cases of dehydration will require medical treatment as simply drinking fluid may not hydrate cell and tissues quickly
enough. It is meaningful to get medical attention without beating about the bush to prevent organ damage or annihilation.

Stretched Colon Or Colon Infection: There is a protective mucus that lines the colon. Laxatives and enemas strip away this protective mucus leaving the colon adjectives to infections. Enemas can stretch the colon and over time it can lose muscle tone resulting in the colon not being competent to generate muscle contractions necessary to move fecal concern out of the body.

Laxative Dependency: Laxatives irritate intestinal nerve ending and after prolonged use of laxatives, the nerve ending may no longer respond to stimulation. The individual must now transport larger amounts of laxatives to produce bowel movements. The individual has become "laxative dependent" and minus them may not have any bowel movements at adjectives.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Laxative abusers may have more problems near irritable bowel syndrome , rectal pain and gas. Users may also be at risk for bowel tumors which may be benign and cancerous.

Episodes Of Constipation and Diarrhea: Laxative abusers may travel through episodes of constipation and diarrhea which both can be painful. People who swearing laxatives can end up contained by a constipation-diarrhea vicious cycle in which they are other treating symptoms.

Death: One of the most fatal danger of laxative abuse is the risk of disappearance. If this risk doesn't scare you, I'm not sure what will. Laxative treat roughly can upset your electrolyte balance and can injury muscles and tissues surrounding the heart. The heart can stop beating and minus quick medical intervention, the individual can die. The severe dehydration by the use laxatives can also head to death. At times we muse "it won't happen to me" however if you are abuse laxatives, death is a possibility and risk you are taking and the authenticity is - it can happen to you.

Stopping Laxative Abuse

Stopping laxative name-calling sounds sounds easier than it is for some. Many eating disorder victims hold a terrible time giving up the use of laxatives even when they are aware of the death-defying effects. Some individuals stop after a terrible cases of diarrhea and cramping. Some individuals stop because they are aware of the risks and hold decided against them. Others own a terrible time after using for a long time of time and suffer withdrawal symptoms and symptoms can be expected. Symptoms of renunciation from laxatives can include bloating, cramping and mild to severe constipation. Some people complain of fatigue and across the world people do not consistency well during this time. It seem to be the bloating that sends people to return to the use of laxatives. Since every personage and situation is different, it is hard to utter how long withdrawal symptoms will ending, in most cases it can be up to 2 - 3 weeks. Medical support may be required in cases where on earth laxative abuse have taken place for long periods and where on earth laxatives have be taken by boxfuls or handfuls on a regular basis.

Constipation: Not consumption enough can result within constipation. Increasing your food intake may eliminate the problem of constipation. Even if you *feel* constipated, it doesn't niggardly you are. For those who use excessive amounts of laxatives will find that long term invective of them can result in constipation. Note: You may want to write down the frequency of your bowel movements. If you are constipated for more than 3 days, ring your physician, or other health professional.

Laxative Withdrawal

Laxative withdrawl affects everyone differently, here is no answer as to how it's going to affect your body. Some people hold withdrawl symptoms for days, weeks or even months. Laxative withdrawl is especially difficult for people who enjoy eating disorders. If individuals grain "fat", the symptoms associated with laxative withdrawl with the sole purpose make these mood worse. It's often why individuals speedily return to laxatives hoping they will receive some relief. Any solidity gain is temporary. Commom symptoms of laxative withdrawl is fluid retention, constipation, emotion bloated and temporary counterbalance gain.

Some things that might help you

See Your Doctor: The best route to stop laxative abuse is near help from your robustness care provider. They can assess you and be paid sure there are no other problems. Some ethnic group ask, "Should I gradually stop or walk cold turkey?" The decision is ultimately yours however your doctor can donate you the best answer to this question. I stir up you to talk beside your doctor as those who have see their doctor are successful in stopping laxative invective. They can give you the best guidance and answer any questions you hold.

Disposal: If you have open boxes of laxatives around your house, it may the perfect time to go and get rid of them. If you feel bloated, you might be tempt to go posterior to them. Some individuals have flushed them down the toilet only just to make sure they won't be tempt. I suggest you do what you feel is best for you. If you are a parent and find laxatives, dispose of them and contact your child's doctor and consent to them know what your child has be taking. Get rid of those laxatives and stop taking them.

Be Prepared: Be prepared to experience some discomfort while you go through this deduction phase. You may experience mild to severe bloating, feelings of fullness and discomfort. This will exceed as your body recovers and learn how to regulate itself again. After time, these feelings will elapse and you will gradually start to surface better and you will return to normal body functions.

Eating Well: Making sure you chomp through enough food will backing to promote regular bowel movements. High-fiber items like fruits, vegetables and together grains. Be fussy as some foods may cause intestinal gas and if you are experiencing discomfort already, this may donate to it.

Fluid Intake: Drinking lots of water is celebrated. Try to drink 8 to 10 glasses per daylight if possible. Try to avoid drinks next to caffeine such as tea, coffee and sodas as caffeine promotes water loss. If you are constipated, hot beverages can give a hand. Sometimes a good way of walking can help stimulate muscle contractions contained by your intestines.

Have Support: As always support can be asset when you engage in any challenge. If you hold friends that can understand, allow them to support you while you leave laxatives at the rear. Have numbers to friends handy or join an on stripe forum for eating disorders. If you own a therapist, they can sustain you deal beside any anxiety or other feelings you may be experiencing. Don't be dismayed or ashamed to ask for help!

Some problems associated next to enemas:

Chronic Fatigue
Joint and Muscle pain
Bloating and Gas
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Depressed Immune Function
High Blood Pressure
Back Problems

Only ladies can help me next to my problem?

It seems approaching an eating disorder, because of enema misusing, and consumption too little and these symptoms can be the earlier symptoms of anorexia nervosa and earlier that problem grows up you must refer her (and if possible her husband too) to a psychiatrist.

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