I lately started my length today and i enjoy a gynecologist appointment on friday?
is it okay to go on friday?
Answers: Yes. If your period is finished by Thursday, it will be without doubt fine to keep your Friday appointment.
If you are worried, check if you can move it to Monday -- by then, you KNOW you'll be done. :)
Good luck!
I don't own the applicator can I a short time ago squeeze it contained by?
If it's completely over, yes. But, if you expect there's a chance it's still going, don't go. Usually you have need of to give yourself an extra full day in the past going after a cycle. Call and reschedule or ask them for advice.I would reschedule if I was you. Mine 'usually' finishes around Friday but I wouldn't progress to a gyno appointment or a brazilian waxing the next time.
Depends on what your appointment is for. I would say call ahead or freshly show up. Most doctors or nurses ask if you are on your period when you get here.
How plentiful XTC pills do i pinch!?
Yeah it's totally fine to still go. It'll be lighter then and it's smaller number likely to affect any kind of pap smears or test. Don't worry about it.I requirement relieve WOMEN ONLY!srry?
As long as you enjoy stopped completely. They won't do it if you haven't.Big News, what do I do in a minute?
Yes it is defenitly oki to go. You have to remember that gynos agreement with all thatstuff everyday. you will be fine.\
I hold pregnancy symptoms, but am I basically psyching myself out?
Sure, as long as you don't hold any bleeding there is no problem doing a pap testI would avoid it. period go on for how ever long they feel similar to it, theres no aproximate day
Just cancle
Call and see what their preference is...you won't be the first near this question :)
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I simply inevitability to know the complications that could result from chicken pox during pregnancy.?