Question for the ladies?

Does anyone else get a lump surrounded by their groin around the time of their period? should I be concerned?

Why do you hold to take birth control pills?

Get this checked out immediatly, does it come and jump at time of period or is it near all the time but you merely notice it at your term time?

It could be a lymph gland or a blocked duct in your bartholins gland but it depends what nouns of groin it is in.

DO NOT WORRY but get it checked ASAP and after your worry will be over!

Good Luck

Does anyone enjoy any insight into weight gain associated near Mirena coil?

No have never have that (or heard of it) best procure it checked out

Iam a 13 year old and i masturbate is that impossible?

Yes you should be concerned. This is not nomal so get it checked at the docs organization.

Is it true that woman can ejaculate?

just to be safe i would ask a doctor or see a obgyn sometime soon


No, conceivably you should be concerned. I have have a blocked pore down below which is a tiny lump - is this what you mean?

Women Plz HelpBirth Control(Depo-Vera) & Pregnancy?

depending on where on earth that lump is, its a gland. it usually swells if you have an infection. but i'm on at the min and mines slightly swollen. if your concerned after go to the doctors to be undisruptive

Skipped period or UTI?

what's a groin?

13 yrs oldPeiod to be exact 3 months late!?

That may be a lymph nod or gland. See your doctor.

FOR WOMEN ONLY PLEASE: Does any feminine no what exactly happens at a post postpartum doctors appointment, afte

yes you should appointment your doc right away sounds serious

If your tubes are tied but you still have the symptoms of pmdd can u hold yaz?

yes u should defiently get it checked out. but in that is nothing to verbs about. lately have the doctors check it out.

I wanna quality like super women?

well im not trustworthy what it exactly may be but you do have several lymph nodes surrounded by that area and it would be conventional that at that time of the month things are more swollen and trying to flush your system out of all types of things so yes your lymph nodes would be swollen

Can u still be pregnant after abortion if u own periods?

no i receive them to its just ur glans i draw from them under my arm aswell

Is it possible to cure pcod completely?I show by weight loss?

Ive never notice to be honest, but I would make an appointment near your doctor to get it checked out only just in baggage - better to be safe than sorry!
Good luck x

Help! StrokesMSblood clot contained by the brain?

I Think Maybe You Should Get It Checked Out By Your Local GP, As I And No Girls I Know Have Experienced This

Can Platocin be used to bring on a period?

Do you expect when your ovulating because i used to get a lump consequently
It would then disappear

Is here anyone here who can tell me it`s lately ok to smoke once a day while taking diane 35?

Yes. In my bag Doc assured me it is a lymph node and nothing to verbs about. It comes and go (not every month) and can be quite voluminous some months.

How to pee standing up for women.?

i get this too, it comes and go, sometimes i get them beneath my arms. It is normal because when you are on your length, your tissue swells and can develop lumps. Dont stress about it.

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