My friend got raped & won't do any item?!?

my friend, who is 15 was at a event last weekend and, long story short, a senior form a different academy raped her- like she have bruises all up and eown her legs and every entity. she won't tell her mom because she doesn't want her to know that she be drinking... she won't tell any adults to press charges. what can ido to facilitate her?!
(and yes, this guy is 18)

please help! thankx
*:+:* loVely *:+:*


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Tell her that if she doesn't report the CRIME to the police, the perp is LIKELY TO DO IT AGAIN AND AGAIN until someone does and he's locked up where he belongs.

Ask her if she think it's fair to agree to him brag about it to his friends and subject more girls to mortal potential victims.

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She might be embarrased give or take a few it. But she should tell someone because she might hold gotten pregnant.

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Give her some phone numbers where she can obtain help, and remind her that she DOES NOT hold to be a victim.

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She NEEDS to press charges! She requirements to tell her mother. I may be rough at first but surrounded by the end it will work out. She freshly needs to report. OK......

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Well, if you can get her to stop drinking excessively and stop going to party where within are potential rapists, it might be safe to do zilch. However, in any other casing I'd talk to her massively calmly and narrate her you're going to tell her parents and show the best for her (you'd be right), and then budge tell her parents. Try to treat the situation as a crime, not as sex; you want to avoid degrading her as much as possible.

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tell her you are looking out for her best interest and next go report the incident to an fully fledged. what he did was clearly wrong and he needs to obtain caught. friends help friends so assist her even though she doesnt consider it helping.

let somebody know.

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You should tell her parents and the cops; it should be exposed...and your friend should take justice...otherwise it might hurt her down the road...your friend will probably also necessitate counseling to help endorse her feelings. Do it for the sake of your friend's mental stability.

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hmm...sorry to hear that. I guess you'll own to keep recitation your friend to tell someone because at hand is a danger of her mortal infected with something (I pray that she isn't). she doesn't know where on earth this guy's been so it's better to hold her tell someone, anyone surrounded by authority. She has to work fast though, because if she wait too long, any bruises she may have may make well and the case against this guy may walk out the window.

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noone has to know that she be drinking. why cant she just explain to her mom and if it somewhere comes up along the line if she be drinking she can just speak about her mom she thought it was fruit punch but next found out it wasnt.

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I will she would have done something right away! The reality that she has bruises would own really helped. It isn't too postponed to report it but let her know that she might facilitate prevent this guy from doing it again to someone else by reporting it. If anything, let this be a lesson almost the dangers of underage drinking!

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Tell her that the drinking thing DOESN'T MATTER!

Even if she be drinking underage, that doesn't make rape OK, and it doesn't engineer it her fault.

And her mother would want to know -- she would want her daughter's attacker to be punished WAY more than she concern if her daughter drank.

After all, it's not resembling underage drinking is a unique or dreadful thing. It's common. Rape is not.

The longer your friend waits, the harder it will be to punish her attacker.

This is not one of those cases where on earth "being a friend" finances keeping a secret. Tell your friend that if she doesn't put in the picture her mom, you will.

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Oh, this is bad. You better communicate her to speak up, ASAP. Because if she waits too long, any sperm the guy departed on her might be gone by the time she opens her mouth to articulate something. Meaning, she won't have any evidence against the guy in court. And she might carry pregnant. Tell her to tell her mom. Her mom will twig because her mom is there to give a hand her, not judge her.

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When you and her are together, talk to her and report to her that she needs to give an account someone. Tell her to go to the guidance counselor at institution, and tell the counselor that she does not want her mother to know. The authorities can come to college and talk to her and they can arrest the 18 year elderly, because he should have agreed better. She needs to receive this perverted guy the treatment and punishment he deserves. She needs to be examined by a doctor as economically. She should have gone to the doctor or emergency room the dark that this happened. If she will not do this, consequently she is just going to own to do what she should do. She needs to natter to her mother deseparately.

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Your friend MUST wish medical attention immediately! She may enjoy been exposed to any number of STD's, including HIV. She may also become pregnant. She may own other physical damage from antagonism during the rape.
You need to notify a trusted adult (like your mom or hers) ASAP. Many rape victims are ashamed and terrified and the only instrument to help them is to matter with it and not try to fail to acknowledge it. She may say she isn't recounting because she doesn't want to get busted for underage drinking but I doubt anyone will watchfulness about that. In court, it is possible to press spare charges if she was drunk at the time of the assault.
Your friend may be cracked at you, but it is better to lose a friend because of anger and have her be okay than not utter anything and feel responsible subsequent on.
Just remember, he may do it again to someone else . . .

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She needs to report someone - whether a mom or a teacher or someone who would know what to do.

By keeping silent, she is letting the guy take away with it and he may verbs to terrorize other females.

It's okay to let her mum know that she drank. Everyone have made mistakes in their lives. It's what you do after that which is most central. She needs to own that she did wrong by drinking but at the same time, she requests loving care for what she have gone through.

The ordeal may traumatise her for many years to come. It is best to want help untimely. The "evidence" (bruises) are still on her so better to press charges as quickly as possible.

Let her know that you are trailing her all the instrument.

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Tell her to report it so the "F'N creep" will be known and girsl approaching her will stay away from him

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I am so sorry that this appear to your friend. But she need to enlighten someone, special her parents (Mom). Beside this JERK can do it to someone else and by her tell and pressing charges towards him she can stop him from do it to someone else. Hope that you can reach a deal to her & Let her know that this was not her false contained by anyway at all - It be wrong what he did to her....
she needs to appropriate a stand for herself and stop this animal.
But if she still feel's that she cannot speak about someone... You made need to bring up to date someone yourself to help your friend. Wish you luck & hope that I give support to in anyway... please be aware of free to e-mail

Please help thnks?

get together beside some people surrounded by your school and defeat his to a pulp,poor girl is scared to demise,do she know his name,please appeal her to tell formerly the bruises go away,merely don't tell she be drinking I want him to go downnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.

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Don't formulate her in to a casualty by shuving in her face or obsess over it, maybe she basically wants to verbs, let her.

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