Help! Please Answer!?

Ok, I'm 16 years old and within are quite a few things I'm worried roughly and I really want to see a doctor. 1) I have a on a daily basis vaginal discharge (normal smell, color, etc.) but it seems approaching a rather roomy amount sometimes, so I want to check and see if there is something wrong. 2) When I first get my period (at 15) it be really, really irregular and there would sometimes be three months within between before I get it it comes approximately every 29 days, but doesn't second for very I'm worried I'm infertile or something. 3) I once did something beside a guy (bj), which could have potentially given me an STD and I really doubt I get one, but I want to get checked out for peace of mind.

The problem is I live in a tiny town where on earth everyone knows everyone, so I can't bring checked up where I live. So how can I progress to a bigger city to get checked in need my parents knowing? Or how can I tell my parents to sort an appointment for me, without have to tell them the details?

I want some information about birth control pills?

1. A each day vaginal discharge that doesn't smell (a smell is one indicator of an infection such as bacterial vaginosis, certain colors such as green for example can also indicate infallible kinds of infections such as Group B Strep) is regular. At certain times surrounded by our cycle the discharge will get a bit thicker and that have to do with ovulation. Ovulation is what go on two weeks before our actual term.

2. Since you just started your term a year ago it is normal to hold some irregularity because your body is trying to adjust to the changes going on when it comes to the hormones but 29 morning cycles is normal. The typical amount of time for a woman's cycle is 28-35 days. As for the number of days some women only own their periods for 3 days and some own it for 7 (I do when I get my periods) and both are ordinary.

3. You could try Planned Parenthood, and because of privacy laws they can't report anyone else what's going on.

But my best recommendation if you are really concerned is to communicate this over with your mom or a trusted grown friend or other female familial member if you can't do that earlier you start looking to go to a dr. When it comes time (if it is still critical later on) to making the appt you simply let your mom know that you hold some concerns that you would like to discuss near a dr.

Pls try not to be afraid to talk to your mom roughly this.

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