Mature eyes solitary vaginas...?

ladies can you help me near this one i have rash on the oustide of my vagina & also my asshole is having lots of pains approaching it stings & my pee is really hott. Also the worst one is my asshole is so swore when i wipe it its spots of blood what do i do see a ginaolgst or what!?

Any good thinking for loosing weight beside PCOS?

Soory to say I estimate you have an StD,conceivably herpes .I advise you to see a geanacologist as soon as possible,and do a check on the person(s)you enjoy had sexual intercourse next to recently.Meanwhile drink lots of sea do not scratch itching places wear cotton undies one and only to allow circulation of air surrounded by ur undies or donot wear undies,also donot wear tight fitting clothing ur vagina needs airdonot dry-clean ur vagina with deep soaps or dont wash it near soap at all.
Drinks lots of fluids although they will breed u pee but its essential to keeping the skin moist.For the bleeding you should see the doctor and donot wipe off blood beside harsh cloth.I will support you to wear a panty sheild but one made of cotton without fragrances and is particularly thin.Take vitamin C pill sto abet fight anything is the source of the problem(e.g.bacteria) take iron suplements sinc evitamin C works best beside its presence.

Please don't grow afraid,visit the doctor you will singular know what is the problem when u seek profesional relieve.
Good luck,Email me if u need more suggestions.

Heavy bleeding after varying pills?

see someone asap!~

How come my friend would rather pee on towels instead of the toilet?

go see a ginagologist

I want information on cervical inflamation?

you necessitate baby powder

im not kid...

If requested, does the gyneclogist do HIV testing for free?

go c a doctor 1st

Please answer?

see a doctor sounds similar to heat impetuous that is bleeding

Im 14 yrs is it okay if i pinch a RestEZ pill?

Yes. Begin with your gyn. There is clearly an infection brewing.

How do u get rid of discouraging breath and a white coating on tongue.?

I don't know about a ginaolgst, but I particularly suggest a gynocologist. ASAP!

Morning after pill, how long have i get to take it? i tight-fisted after how many days will it not hold any effect?

you sound close to you have an infection in both areas and should absolutely see your Dr


Go see your doc. You could hold an infection or a yeast infection. Make sure you read the labels on anything you buy. Like creams and stuff. They could trademark it worse. But to be safe, walk to a doc and they will fix u up!!

Please help entail to know soon..birth control?

Yes, you may be allergic to a certain soap or wash detergent, If you do not have a steady partner the find checked for herpes

Sex changes.?

See a doctor or gynecologist soon please. You may a moment ago have a yeast infection (you can achieve them in your too), but it may be more serious. And don't hold sex until you have be treated!

After c-section, has anyone experienced irregular period?

Could be herpes or a heat unwary or a million other things. Go see a gyno ASAP.

Does any body know a good product that clears, pores, blackheads and spots? In the uk please!?

yeah i would perversely go to the gynecologist that does not nouns normal unless you have anal sex for the first time then i can see why it would bleed for a moment

Does anyone use Femcon birth control or know anything about it?

This sounds seriously like a yeast infection, and it have iritated your rear-end, which would explain the bleeding when wiping. You do not want to go and see an gynocologist. A simple kith and kin physician or walk-in clinic can prescripe what you need.

What does it be set to when women have sudden hip and reverse "expansion" in their mid 30's?

Absolutely travel see your doctor.


Sounds like you enjoy herpies, especially with the impetuous and I can't tell you why your butt is sore unless you granted to allow someone or something to go in attendance instead of the rash nouns.
And you could be constipated with a kidney infection and herpies, so please dance to the Dr. before you hold something else go wrong! You one and only need a Regular Doctor not a Gyn.

How to fall menstrual cycle early?

you have need of to see you doctor asap so he/she can then refer you to the correct specialist, you may entail to see a gynecologist or a urologist but you will not know until you go, the sooner you do the sooner you will achieve the proper diagnosis and the correct treatment for the problem.
good luck and i hope adjectives goes very well for you

What are some good sex teaching websites?

Sounds like you own an STD... a serious one. Find a gynecologist and make an appointment ASAP!!

How can i tighten up my stomach for demo 16 which is my 20th b-day i have no gym in close proximity me?

See a doctor as soon as you can for the rashes it could be herpes or some type of std you should win that checked out really quick. For the but stuff it could be hemorroids or who know you need to progress to the gynecologist. ASAP

Is it true about your second child?

okay seriously it could be herpes or something so be prepared for that.

Even if you're a virging, you could hold been born next to it, do you think your mom would speak about you if she has herpes.

Anyway it's not an emergency if it's herpes, cuz it wouldn't be going anywhere, it would be next to you for the rest of your natural go (or intil there's a cure) but here are treatments so you want to see a Dr. eventually.

Okay if you're too embarassed to ask to see a dr. right away, don't let it turn on for too long.

Take a week, take really accurate care of yourself, stay really verbs, use moisturizers, etc.

If it's going away then conceivably it was a moment ago a rash from warmness or sweat or thighs rubbing together (but it could still be herpes)

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