Anorexic trouble?

What are the signs of anorexic? I'm 5'2, 84 pounds and 17. I don't want to be, people other make fun of me as 'one' one. Help?

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Anorexia is a mental disorder. If you starve yourself for alarm of gaining counterweight or becoming "fat" then you are anorexic, but if you munch through the required amount of calories (minimum 1200) a day, and don't intentionally starve yourself, your not anorexic, of late skinny. Here is a site with some more information on drinking disorders if your interested
You do sound resembling your under bulk a bit, you may want to see a doctor or nutritionist and find out a healthy counterbalance for you, and a healthy breakfast time plan to get you here.
Good luck ;)
**HUGS** Toni Lynne

Need some advice?

if you starve yourself you are anorexic. it's not newly how much you weigh it's the act of adjectives yourself.

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That sounds pretty disgusting... I'm with the sole purpose an inch taller than you and I weigh a few pounds over 100 yet relatives have a problem next to me being too high. You should outrageously should gain some cargo.

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Aneroxia is where you don't guzzle, or don't want to eat. If you are consuming 3 meal a day consequently you are not aneroxic. If you think that you are you obligation to see a doctor. Bu tI had plentifully of people phone up me aneroxic in large school.

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You are underweight no issue whether you are anorexic or not. Anorexia involves an altered self body image where on earth you see yourself as fat even though you are super see-through. The often skip meal. push the food around on their plate to make it look close to they are eating, get through alone so no one see them not eating and they exercise excessively. Even though they are deathly bare they still look in the mirror and have a sneaking suspicion that they are fat, If you are anorexic procure help for it but if you are freshly underweight with no definite cause later see your doc to rule out any medical cause for you low shipment and then work on getting your counterweight up to a decent number.

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If your friends trade name fun of you for being anorexic AND YOU ARE, afterwards tell them that if they really care about you, that they would back you gain some weight and support you.

If they are making fun of you and you ARE NOT, describe them that you were made small boned and that if they enjoy a probelem with it, they can be in motion flush themselves down a toilet.

Birth control, period?

i would read aloud your beautifull no matter what everyone else say and have and attitude that say if you dont like me scruw you unharmed... but if you are starving your self thats really not well-mannered so try and really eat something.. it doesnt hold to be a huge amount at once but eat defenitly a somewhat big breakfast and afterwards little snacks during the day... once you start eatting worthy start to work out a little bit and maby dance running! Hope you do good and if you involve anything else i would be happy to ansew them for you and if you want and adjectives goes in good health send me some pic. but dont agree to anyone fool you if you think your lovely which iam sure you are. Then believe it and some who really likes you will also suggest the same article!! Good luck hope to hear some good communication form you soon. :)

Period help..?

Honey, anorexia is not a disease that hits you, it's a choice. Only you know if you are making the choice to moderate your diet and starve yourself to be skinny. If you are doing this, and making this choice, you have need of to get abet. Feel free to message me if you need to collaborate. If you are not, and are just inherently skinny, then your body may in recent times need some backing balancing out your metabolism. Meaning, your body could be burning the food so rapid it doesn't have time to settle. Try taking apple cider vinegar (with mother) in a tea. A cup of hot dampen, a tablespoon of ACV and honey to sweeten. Drink this three times a day, until that time you eat a banquet, and it will help symmetry you out. If you can't stand the taste, and don't want to tender it time to get used to it, after try taking coconut oil ( to do impossible to tell apart thing. It have to be the good trait stuff, though. if it doesn't taste approaching coconut, it's not good point.

You could also try eating more habitually throughout the day, smaller meals/snacks, instead of three square meals a sunshine, which will help save food in your body.

Is in that something wrong with me?

Well, how do you grain about food and exercise? Are you a chronic calorie counter? Would you discard a big fat greasy cheeseburger and fries if I offered it to you? Are you running miles a time to burn off the backpack of chips you just LOOKED at? If you answered yes to any of those question, chances are - you've get a problem. You can see a phychologist to helpovercome the way you discern. If you're starving yourself contained by any way - be sure to know that you'll be screw up your digestive tract for the rest of your life. I've be eating for 10 years immediately & I still have problems stemming from anorexia.
If those things don't describe you, hold your doctor take a look at your thyroid. A simple CBC will relate him everything he needs to know. It could be purely that you metabolize things differently. In that case, it's possible that thyroid drugs can regulate things for you.
Good luck!

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