PLEASE ANSWER THIS QUESTION! I CANT ASK MY FRIENDS FOR HELP ON THIS ONE! (sry, i kno its surrounded by the wrong section)

alright...i thought i liked this guy for a while (he is fat) and the other day he asked me out on a date to the movies. I really approaching this guy, his personality and mine just totally mesh and its surefire,

but when i was sitting next to him surrounded by the movies i realized i just couldnt bring over the fact that he is fat! i can`t bear myself for this, because he REALLY is a great guy with a great personality and i KNOW if he be skinny i would be his girlfriend in a minute, but the fact still stands that i basically ...well..i cant picture myself making out with him.

i know this is horrible! =[ ugh i dont know what to do...partially of my mind is like "wow he is the perfect match" but the wife is like "ew.."

i feel horrible for even thinking this...should i freshly tell him that i want to be friends? or should i wait it out..because he IS on a diet..urgh i quality HORRIBLE. has anyone been contained by my situation?

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U are only acting like this because of the standards that society places on men and women. If you be in his place and you really liked him and u guys be perfect together, u would be hyourt to find out the only foundation he cant be with u is because ur fat. Open your eyes, stop anyone so naive. Don't judge him by the opening he looks, maybe he needs that entity in his life to assistance him loose weight, maybe he have no reason, no drive, to loose the weight. U could be that personage to help him get his self together. But dont permit the way he looks stop u from being chirpy.
the cutest, sexiest man will be the one to treat you like trash.
at least you know he like you for you, not how u look. maybe you should do the same.

hope adjectives works out for you. good luck

Can have a?

It's completely natural to devise that! I'm going to be honest and say my boyfriend isn't the greatest looking guy ever, but his personality make up for it x10! You should make a list of his pros and cons, if one out weigh the other (no pun intended) then continue to see him or purely be friends with him. Though I think you should distribute it a chance, because personality will outlast looks within the long run. Good luck girl!

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if you aren't attracted to him like that, then you a short time ago aren't.

no, it doens't make you a bad individual
and it doesn't make him a bad being.
you are going to have to tell him you don't similar to him like that. actually, i did own a boyfriend that was very overweight and he be the funniest, nicest, sweetest, FUNNIEST, most down to earth guy and everyone really liked him. his obverse was extremely beautiful. he be just overweight. but i DID feel close to kissing him and i did fall in love beside him.
actually...he broke up with ME.
don't know why.
honestly, that be 15 years ago and i still think about him

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Alright, alright. I enjoy been in a similiar situation..

I've be with very skinny guys and extremely overweight guys (I'm slightly heavyset myself). The thing is, all girls want at the present time is a good guy that will treat them right. If this guy makes you optimistic, then what the hell are you waiting for, child! Go get him! Just from personal experience, I prefer guys who are more heavyset. Have you ever cuddled next to a guy with no meat on his bones? It's no fun! Plus, heavyset guys provide more protection and they just appear more like big, sweet teddy bear. If he smells ok, your friends like him, and he does you right, then you should definetely run for it.

All in all, it just matters what YOU want. If you want to wait it out because you can't bring over his problem, then wait. But only remember, if you wait too long, he might be gone by the time you want him..

Hope this helps!

Can someone pls assistance me?

I have a sneaking suspicion that you should grow up before you start dating at all because you clearly aren't matured enough and extremely superficial. You should try to realize things that actually issue in life. I'm not sure how you would touch if you liked someone a lot and they be shallow enough to give you up or intervene you by simply because of the way you looked. I understand you're maxim you feel bad something like this, but it's still pretty low and heartless.

But none the less you should be physically attracted to someone you are dating. It does play a small bit. But I do hope you come to realize that it's what's inside that matters.

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I hate to see you own this internal struggle. Nice guys don't come along very often. There is a possibility he could lose weightiness, but I wouldn't say anything because it may hurt his feelings. I suggest that you start as friends and you never know what could crop up later. I would hate to see you lose a virtuous relationship, whether it be romantic or friendship, over this issue. Who knows, when time goes by and your friendship develops, possibly you both can discuss the weight issue. You may fall within love with him and overlook it too. Good luck and keep the friendship at most minuscule.

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